Yesterday, I went to a charity fun fly at T.R.A.C RC club. A club an hour Northwest of me, which I frequent quite a bit. The wind was blowing 15-20 mph, and it was a bit chilly. I was flying my TSA Infusion 600N Platinum helicopter on the west end of the field, when the engine flamed out about 16 meters from the ground. Now.....a few years ago, I would have panicked. But I calmly applied the necessary about of negative collective and floated it down for a textbook auto. Damage burned out glow plug.
I replaced it, and finished the tank of fuel.
Practice Pays Off
Discussion in 'The Chat Room' started by Geena, Nov 23, 2014.
Discussion in 'The Chat Room' started by Geena, Nov 23, 2014.