12s Motor Alternative

Discussion in 'SAB' started by ChopsyWA, Apr 7, 2015.

By ChopsyWA on Apr 7, 2015 at 11:38 PM
  1. ChopsyWA

    ChopsyWA Well-Known Member

    May 31, 2014
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    Hey all,
    After giving a mate a go of my carbon G570 earlier this year which ended up in destruction, I bought a white kit to re-kit with the electronics that survived.
    I gave a Xnova 4025-1120 a go on 6s, but it wasn't for me (lacking power...).
    So after fixing the Xnova 4025-560 from the carbon kit it is now running sweet in the white kit.

    But now I am rebuilding the crashed carbon kit, and need a motor for it.
    I definitely won't be trying 6s again, but do not want what I already have (what's the point in exact duplicate power machines).
    So can anyone recommend something different to try, maybe a go for something oversize (not to SAB spec), with more grunt that won't be wasted with a massive weight increase? Maybe a 4030 or 4035 if it will create a different feel to what I have?
    It's either try a different motor, or rebuild and sell the airframe, or maybe just go the trusty 4025-560 but with the kit stretched to 620 (I do have the lynx stretch kit available already - any local Aussie reviews on the stretch?)

    While it's good to have a spare kit, with the white G570 currently the practice machine, I need to justify having it built taking up space in the unit I'm living in - so ideally I want it fly-able but different.
    As I write this I'm starting to think to give the stretch a go, but still the question of which motor?



Discussion in 'SAB' started by ChopsyWA, Apr 7, 2015.

    1. smakmeharder

      smakmeharder Administrator

      Mar 3, 2014
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      Hi @ChopsyWA you need to see @3dmicks and @Manyc setup on the 570. 6S is always going to be underpowered on the 570 when doing hard smak. But when you up it to 12S with a descent motor it becomes a whole new beast. The XNOVA so far has been the motor of choice over here. I know @3dmick and @Manyc use the xnova in the 570 but i am not sure of the model number - they will advise i am sure. I have seen quite a few smak machines move and the 570 is a great helicopter and the xnova is also a great motor but you got to use the right combo. The 570 flys hard and is responsive. So far this is the best smaker out of all the goblins - Every 3d pilot here who has flown the 570 on 12S says its a keeper. Try the 12S motor in the 570 - you wont be disappointed. Stand by for some specs.
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    2. 3dmick

      3dmick Well-Known Member

      Mar 14, 2014
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      The XNOVA 4025 560 on 12s 2600rpm
      Is the way to go with 3300mah packs
      Pure smack all the way baby
    3. Manyc

      Manyc Well-Known Member

      Mar 14, 2014
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      yep.. but you may need to tape down the packs if your using 65c packs.... also you can run this at a lower head speed.. people like around 2300.. till they try 2600 and go "WTF have i been doing!?!?!" you will need to up the motor pulley to get that high..

      @3dmick lets video one of your 570 flights so he has and idea.. :p
    4. ChopsyWA

      ChopsyWA Well-Known Member

      May 31, 2014
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      Thanks for the responses :)
      though it appears my post wasn't quite clear enough.
      I actually already have the Xnova 4025-560 running in my white G570 (up to 2650rpm), what I am chasing is recommended alternatives for something different for my other carbon G570 (which I may also stretch).
      Not really after a result where I have 2 x G570's exactly the same.
      I like Xnova, have them in all my heli's, though will try another brand if I can get more power. Or I put in a bigger Xnova (I don't have a problem with modifying the canopy).
      Has anyone tried a bigger motor?

      And as a side question, has anyone tried the Lynx stretch kit without problems?

      Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
    5. Manyc

      Manyc Well-Known Member

      Mar 14, 2014
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      aahh @BladeBandit ran I think it was a 4035 in his.. but you had to cut the canopy..

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