Blade 230 S Heli Rtf And Bnf With Safe Technology

Discussion in 'Industry News' started by hgnimda, Aug 3, 2015.

By hgnimda on Aug 3, 2015 at 12:44 PM
  1. hgnimda

    hgnimda Ray - Administrator Staff Member

    Mar 1, 2014
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    Innovative SAFE® technology and its progressive system of flight modes makes flying a collective pitch heli easy, even if you’re a beginner. And that just may make the new Blade 230 S helicopter the ideal platform for getting started in aerobatic helicopters! A series of progressive flight modes and safety features help minimize “oh no” moments and the crashes that often ensue and are designed to take most of the intimidation out of learning to fly aerobatics using a true collective pitch machine. Durable ABS blades and metal-gear cyclic servos help keep pilots flying instead of fixing. With it’s unique self-leveling feature, Stability Mode helps keep pilots in control by limiting bank angles. Once a pilot has mastered that mode, Agility Mode opens the flight envelope to allow a pilot to explore basic aerobatics and 3D maneuvers. At the first sign of trouble, a pilot can invoke Panic Recovery Mode with the push of a button. This will cause the 230 S to return to level, stable flight. New pilots and seasoned pilots alike will want to take a closer look at this exciting electric FBL heli!

    Click through to Horizon Hobby for more information or to pre-order one!


    Key Features

    • Fully assembled, no building necessary
    • SAFE® technology makes flight with a collective pitch helicopter easier
    • Stability mode delivers the comfort of self-leveling and bank limits
    • Progressive flight modes help your aerobatic skills build quickly
    • Panic Recovery mode can recover the heli to a level attitude
    • Collective pitch rotor system with flybarless mechanics
    • Brushless main and tail motors for great power and response
    • Impact resistant ABS main blades
    • Tough, yet lightweight airframe
    • Streamlined canopy with vivid color scheme
    • Spektrum™ AR636 DSMX® receiver with AS3X® heli technology (installed)
    • Durable, digital high-speed metal gear cyclic servos (installed)
    • E-flite® 800mAh 3S Li-Po flight battery and charger (included)
    • Spektrum DXe transmitter with DSMX® 2.4GHz technology (included)
    • 5–6 minute flight times


    RTF Includes:

    • Fully assembled Blade® 230 S helicopter
    • E-flite® 800mAh Li-Po Flight Battery
    • AC/DC Li-Po Battery Charger
    • Spektrum™ DXe Transmitter with DSMX® 2.4GHz Technology
    • 4 × AA Transmitter Batteries





    Continue reading...


Discussion in 'Industry News' started by hgnimda, Aug 3, 2015.

    1. Beaver

      Beaver Well-Known Member

      Oct 22, 2014
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      I've been watching this one closely. So far I have deduced that it is basically a CP version of a 200SRx. It uses 200SRx main motor, updated dual ESC, slightly bigger tail motor, 300x/CFx head and grips, same S.A.F.E. system, etc. HH already has the parts listing available online and the parts shared in common with other models are listed as to what model they come from (200SRx/300x/CFx). Aluminum upgrade parts are already listed, and even the after-market vendors are beginning to list the common parts. System is standard modular design, so other radio/FBL systems could be used in BNF package if wanted. The 230s is already being favored over the Ares Advantage 300CP due to the fact that nobody seems to know anything about the 300CP, where HH seems to be more forthcoming with information and publicity. I personally like the idea of 230s parts being locally available once it is released, as opposed to the 300CP, to which parts would have to be ordered and shipped. I can't wait to read consumer reviews on this one!
    2. Ozzy Mozzy

      Ozzy Mozzy Well-Known Member

      Jun 7, 2015
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      I'm disappointed on the tail being motor driven...... although it seems to work, longevity could be another matter!!

      The Ares Optim 300 has a belt driven tail. I have read some good reports on RC Groups and seen some vids.....
      I found a local supplier and they are stocking up on parts too..... In Australia!!
    3. Beaver

      Beaver Well-Known Member

      Oct 22, 2014
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      The 200SRx had some problem with tail motor and ESC, but I think HH may have taken care of that with the updated motor and ESC for the 230s.
    4. Ozzy Mozzy

      Ozzy Mozzy Well-Known Member

      Jun 7, 2015
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      Do you know when they are released in the USA? Keen to see some reviews from you guys!
    5. Beaver

      Beaver Well-Known Member

      Oct 22, 2014
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      Initial time was late August, but rumor has it they pushed back to September.

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