Question? Change The "float"(?) Settings For Autorotation In Phoenix Sim 5

Discussion in 'Phoenix Flight Sim' started by helladies, Aug 25, 2014.

By helladies on Aug 25, 2014 at 7:33 PM
  1. helladies

    helladies Active Member

    Aug 19, 2014
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    Hey guys... I'm pretty good at smak, but im a little girl when it comes to trying autos.... I do them awesome on Phoenix sim, but I feel like it has too much unrealistic pop/float when I flare out....

    I'm scared to try it in real life.... I've done those 15 foot throttle hold autos (which arent a real auto to me), but I want to try a REAL auto from a stupid high altitude

    I've only had to auto one time in my Goblin 700 when my motor spit a magnet loose..
    Boy was that a rush... but at least it had good pop like the sim... I landed with zero damage.. Other than the shiz motor (Quantum goblin edition).

    I dont think i'd have a problem purposefully auto-ing a 700.... Now...

    Does a 550E have some decent pop for an auto? are there any settings/parameters I can tweak in Phoenix sim to simulate less pop... its waaaaaay to floaty on defaults.... I'm pulling autos with a blade 450X and YES.. a Blade 130X!! I know that isnt right!



Discussion in 'Phoenix Flight Sim' started by helladies, Aug 25, 2014.

    1. Geena

      Geena Well-Known Member

      Apr 1, 2014
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      Go into the model edit menu and select detailed. The go into the main rotor tab and select rotor. When that opens, go into the inertia tab and adjust the blade inertial. I don`t remember if you have to increase it or decrease it, but you can play with it until it feels the way you want it to auto. Hope this helps. :)
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    2. Dale Worthington

      Dale Worthington Active Member

      Mar 24, 2014
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      When I was learning Autos I was shown a way to learn them….

      Bring them in like a plane, nose down and build some speed and then bring the disc flat-slighty upwards INTO THE WIND.
      balance the speed with some negative while watching the blades and glide in.
      You will be surprised how far you will float for…..

      Don't be scared to try them, they re really easy, Its more of a scared factor from reading things online and not out doing them.

      If you see the blades slow down, simply flick out of hold and try again.

      Always come down with some speed, not 100mph but "some speed" to descend and keep the head spinning.

      Use backward elevator and negative pitch (pull the nose up slightly while using some negative pitch) rather than the positive pitch to arrest the speed of the model, this is very important because it helps add head speed, Adding pitch to the model in a "pop" only slows the head down and raises the model up in the air…and then you fall out of it and hit the ground as you have no head speed left to land with.

      Yes a 550 will have less hang at the end so you want to come in a little hotter to begin with.

      Don't be scared its not hard…..
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    3. helladies

      helladies Active Member

      Aug 19, 2014
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      Wow, thanks for all the prompt replies! @Geena I adjusted the rotor inertia in Phoenix and its much better. :) Thank you!!

      @Dale Worthington I say "pop", but i've learned you dont wanna pop... more like gradually get on the positive towards the ground reserving the rotor speed until you need it.

      I've done that where I was coming in insanely fast...I somewhat panicked--- popped the collective and my heli went up, but as soon as I noticed what I had done I autobailed and was able to get her landed fine.

      Ive gotten used to coming in flying backwards... if I come in facing forwards I try to yaw slowly to get me going backwards... just seems easier to manipulate the disc that way...

      What I need to do is try using the rotor disc to maneuver without applying ANY positive pitch. I find myself using up a teeny bit of positive while trying to orient myself before I land.... A Big NO-NO!

      I just love coming in and landing reverse... looks cool!

      I cant thank you all enough.. I'll get some flight videos up pretty soon here :D
    4. Dale Worthington

      Dale Worthington Active Member

      Mar 24, 2014
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      Remember to pirouette to the left to release load of the main disc..NOT to the right as it slows the head down faster.
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    5. helladies

      helladies Active Member

      Aug 19, 2014
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      OH WOW. I think thats what happened a couple of times and I couldnt figure out why it would slow the discs down... I thought it was something else I was doing wrong. I prefer left piro anyway so that works!

      This applies to all helis?

      Thanks @Dale Worthington
    6. Dale Worthington

      Dale Worthington Active Member

      Mar 24, 2014
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      to all helis that the main disc turns clockwise (looking over the top of the heli), Its only a few obscure german machines that turn anti clockwise.
    7. helladies

      helladies Active Member

      Aug 19, 2014
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      Awesome. Cant wait to try this in real life

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