Please add any common problems that you think newcomers should lookout for. Its hard enough to learn how to fly let alone figure out how to fix problems once you crash your helicopter. So i will start with one tip that has helped me time and time again.
How To Eliminate Vibes.
Firstly you will know you have vibes when your helicopter just tips unexpectantly on take off, or it feels like its very loose and uncontrolable in the air. Sometimes vibes can creep up on you. For example i have had instances where i have chipped a tail blade, not taken much notice then slowly but surely the helicopter starts to feel less accurate in the air.
Remove the main blades and tail blades.
Clamp the model down and spool it up to FAST place your hand on the boom - be very careful of moving parts as they will shred you very quickly. Wear safety googles and gloves to be sure. Watch the swash plate. If it starts to lean or the tail starts to move by itself towards one side you know you have vibes. Verify by placing your hand CAREFULLY where the boom meets the head of the helicopter. You will feel the vibrations you are trying to eliminate.
First check the obvious - Check the head for bearing damage, bent feather shaft and also make sure that the main shaft is not bent. Do the same for the tail. Grab the blade grips. Are they moving or loose? This is usually a sign of bearing or assembly issue.
If the quick inspection fails we need to now go into a process of elimination so we can track down where the vibrations originate.
Disassemble the boom from the body. Spool once more. are the vibes still there? If yes well then its to do with the motor/main gear or even torque tube/belt interface. Something in the front part of the helicopter. Assemble the helicopter main parts sequentially until you track which part is the culprit.
If the vibes are coming from the tail area then strip all the main tail components off the boom. Keep assembling the tail components one by one (ie tail shaft, then rotor, then tail blades) and spool with each successive major assembly part until you find the source of the vibration.
Once you think you have eliminated the vibes, keep the helicopter clamped down and run at maximum speed without blades to start with. If you have vibes the swash will usually tilt and lean to the side after 10 seconds or so. At this point if the swash leans you have not picked up the origin of the vibration and will have to perform the procedure outlined above once more.
If all is good, then assemble the blades. Take the heli out to a field and spool the helicoper up once more. Keep the pitch neutral DO NOT TAKE OFF.
Again watch the swash and tail closely. If it starts to lean for no apparent reason or the tail starts to turn to one side you still have vibes. DEPOWER IMMEDIATELY. Start to suspect the blades. Check them for balance..
This method has helped me eliminate vibes in every case so far.
Please provide our newcomers any other useful tips to solve common RC helicopter issues.
Info Common Rc Helicopter Problems For Newcomers
Discussion in 'Newbies: Tips and Information' started by smakmeharder, Feb 9, 2015.
Discussion in 'Newbies: Tips and Information' started by smakmeharder, Feb 9, 2015.