The new Futaba 18SZ includes an amazing array of features that are sure to please all airplane, helicopter and multirotor pilots. Eighteen plus two channels allow even the most complex of models to be controlled. A large, color LED touchscreen and display simplifies data entry and programming tasks. Additional features include flight conditions, S.Bus servo programming capabilities and several selectable languages. The included Futaba R7008SB FASSTest 8+ channel S.Bus receiver enables bi-directional communication and the use of a variety of Futaba telemetry sensors. Stay tuned for additional details as they become available!
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Futaba 18sz Eighteen Channel Fasstest 2.4ghz Transmitter
Discussion in 'Industry News' started by hgnimda, May 21, 2015.
Discussion in 'Industry News' started by hgnimda, May 21, 2015.