USA Greetings

Discussion in 'New Member Introductions' started by TrAuMaChAsER, Mar 27, 2014.

By TrAuMaChAsER on Mar 27, 2014 at 6:14 PM
  1. TrAuMaChAsER

    TrAuMaChAsER Member

    Mar 27, 2014
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    Helo fellow rc heli lovers! Let's see where to start.....ummm ok. I'm a 32 y/o FF/medic from Indiana. I've lived in Michigan for 5 years back in 2001 and have been living in my hometown again since 2006. I started flying rc planes when I was 14/15 and tried a few helicopter back in the day. It was way to expensive back then and not a lot of models to choose from and no internet support really. So I ended up giving up the hobby all together and I think back in 2007 I started getting the mall Heli's for Xmas just to have a fun toy to play with. I think they lasted about 1 week at most lol. So this year I decided to go in search of a nice little heli to get good use out of. I ended up with a v911 and I have no complaints about it. I love that little thing. So after a few week of farting around with it and putting some hop ups on it I decided to get something a little more challenging. I found that the hobby has really takin off and there are so many models and sizes to choose from now and they really are not that badly priced compared to flying in 1995 or there abouts. Plus now I have some funds to to spend. Don't have to rely on mom and dad or convince them that I'm going to die if I don't get some heli lol. I didn't know what was good and didn't know what to even buy because so many looked awesome! I ended up getting a nano cpx just because it was a cheap CP heli with a good parts supply. My cpx has had problem after problem. The motor died after 2 days, the TX that came with it was junk, my second motor died after another 3-4 weeks of flying, and now something is wrong with my board. It keeps cutting in and out. "That's a whole long story" but after my first motor died I tried to contact horizon. I called 4 times and sat on hold for over an hour each time before leaving a call back number. I even tried calling once they opened and no luck getting through or getting a call back. So I ended up just eating the money for a new motor. I didn't even try calling about the second one. But now I will get through to them one way or the other. I'm not paying to fix my board. I don't even want the damn thing anymore. I'm hooping they will allow be to pay the difference for a mcpx BL or a 130x. My LHS told me if I can't get though that they would handle it so maybe they will allow me to trade up. But moving on, I also have a 500x that I've only got to fly once because of weather and I really like it so far. There are plenary of other models I plan to buy or would like to try out at IRCHA this year. I really enjoy the hobby and love tinkering with the helis and building them even more. I'm on a few other forums but one big one I won't mention...just makes me puke. So I'm looking coward to getting to know people on here. Just be warned my humor sometimes gets me in trouble if you are a serious person and don't know the difference when people are joking or not. But rest assure 98% I'm joking around. If anyone wants to see what my nano is doing to see if they have had the same problem let me know and I'll throw the vid up. Makes me mad that once again I'm without a CP heli to fly indoor. I really like minis but this nano has left a bad taste in my mouth. I hope I just got a bad heli and don't have the constant problems I've had with it with my other blade heli. My other equipment is a thunder AC680 pro and a DX6I. I hope to at least upgrade the TX to a dx9 and hopefully get a bigger higher end charger like a Hyperion. I'd also like to get a quad copter. I'll have to see what my budget ends up being when summer comes. It's safe to say after being in heli remission for years the disease has come back with vengeance hahaha. Sorry for the long post. I got going and could stop. Look forward to meeting you all and making new friends! Anyone live in Indiana?

    Oh...I haven't been through the whole forum in detail but is there a trade/for sale thread?

    Edit: and I'm super mad....I just noticed I spelled my name wrong lol!! Damn it all to hell! TraumaChaser truamachaser who will notice? Lol...nobody but me!

    Sent from Hell via a nano cpx....
    Last edited: Mar 27, 2014


Discussion in 'New Member Introductions' started by TrAuMaChAsER, Mar 27, 2014.

    1. TrAuMaChAsER

      TrAuMaChAsER Member

      Mar 27, 2014
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    2. 3D Heligod

      3D Heligod Moderator Staff Member

      Mar 11, 2014
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      Hi TrAuM...... welcome to our forum. I hope you enjoy our efforts to try and put character into a forum. Interestingly I love small helis as well. My first heli was the blade MCPX and I too have a Nano. If the wires connecting to the board are solid, its possible that you either have a break INSIDE the wire (this happened to me) where the wire is not completely broken but enough to cause a voltage drop which will trip the speedy. It can also be where the plug connects to the battery. If the female section of the plug has been pushed back (you cant see it because of the heatshrink) it will also cause this sort of problem. I am very confident that somewhere from the battery to the board there is a break or internal resistance. If the plug is old, its possible that it has lost its ability to connect properly to the male counterpart. Either way i have had this problem many times with my micros and so far its allways been dude to a bad connection somewhere between the board and the plug. I hope this helps a bit. Nice looking Nano by the way..
    3. TrAuMaChAsER

      TrAuMaChAsER Member

      Mar 27, 2014
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      Yeah heligod it's weird...i originally thought it was the battery because it was only doing it with one battery at first so I thought the battery was no good any longer. For a few weeks no problems with the other batteries. Then Monday it started with another new battery a little worse. "It use to sputter than work fine with the (bad)battery." So I tried all my other batteries and everyone had the same issue. I inspected what I could like the wires and soldering at the board. I found a nic in one of the wires shielding but that's it. Any suggestions on how to check the wires any better than what I did? It just seems weird that it would only do it with one battery at first to be a wore problem. It's a pesky issue to diagnose. I've had other people say it's the board but I take all information with a grain of salt. But try to eliminate all of them as best I can. But I have no idea how I would check the board. I also don't want to remove the wires and replace them in fear of voiding any warranty. I'll take another look at the wires and see if I can for sure eliminate them as a problem as best I can. I have a feeling I'm just going to have to send it in unfortunately. If I knew for sure it was the wires I'd just fix them.

      Sent from Hell via a nano cpx....
    4. 3D Heligod

      3D Heligod Moderator Staff Member

      Mar 11, 2014
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      Well i think its the female end of the plug either loose in the connector or with a layer of corosion. If you buy an new plug and solder it on I feel pretty confident your problem will be gone. You cant see the wire connecting to the plug because of the heat shrink. Have you cut into the heat shrink to check? All the symptoms point to a bad connection between the battery and the board.
    5. TrAuMaChAsER

      TrAuMaChAsER Member

      Mar 27, 2014
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      What a piece of's only 3 months old!

      Sent from Hell via a nano cpx....
    6. 3D Heligod

      3D Heligod Moderator Staff Member

      Mar 11, 2014
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      I have a real Love Hate relationship with micros... when they work they are fantastic. When they don't they are very very frustrating and because they are small does not mean they are cheap. Is it still under warranty? I would imagine that kind of fault would be covered. I still feel its the connector or lead however and thats only a small part of the heli. Did you notice it seemed to loose power or not fly as well prior to it not working?
    7. TrAuMaChAsER

      TrAuMaChAsER Member

      Mar 27, 2014
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      No it worked perfectly with other batteries. Monday was the first day it wouldn't work with any of the batteries. I made another post about trying to find a replacement candle with the plug that I can just soldier on. I can't find it anywhere. Check out that post. It's named help me find a part I think. I can't believe they don't just make cables you can soldier on and go? I don't know how or if I can just find the OEM plus and connect the wires to it and then solder them to the board. It's kind of confusing the way I'm describing it between 2 different threads.

      Sent from Hell via a nano cpx....
    8. The Dude

      The Dude Well-Known Member

      Mar 4, 2014
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      Welcome dude, Enjoy ..

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