I've been trying to fix what is looking like a connection problem from my batteries to my board. I posted a video of what's going on in my intro. I'm looking for the cables and connector that go from the battery to the main board. I have not been able to find this anywhere. I think I might have to buy just the connector and just use some worse I have laying around. But I don't even know how I would go about assembling the plug to the batteries so I'm open to suggestions. Obviously the easiest thing to do would to buy the whole shebang and solder it the board and be done. But I can't find it on eBay, amazon, or google. Can somebody help guide me to the part I'm trying to find or give me a suggestion on how to fix it? I'd love you London time. If all else fails I have a feeling it's going to be a month wait for a warranty fix from horizon! I did notice an arch in the plug when I plugged a battery in today which I never noticed before so I'm pretty sure that's where the problem might lay. Uugghhhhh.....so sick of fixing this damn thing. It's been broke more time than fixed at no fault of my own! Last nano I will ever buy! Stay away from these cheap ass micros! Just spend the extra money and buy a mcpx BL!
Help Help My Find A Part Please
Discussion in 'Blade Heli's' started by TrAuMaChAsER, Mar 28, 2014.
Discussion in 'Blade Heli's' started by TrAuMaChAsER, Mar 28, 2014.