Video How Are Lipo's Made And Is One Better Than The Other ?

Discussion in 'The Chat Room' started by HeliGods, Apr 23, 2014.

By HeliGods on Apr 23, 2014 at 12:59 PM
  1. HeliGods

    HeliGods Mark - Administrator Staff Member

    Mar 2, 2014
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    Check it out..

    Most top end packs are made at the Grepow factory in China. As seen in video, This is the same manufacturer and chemistry of Optipower, Gens Ace and Pulse batteries along with many others.. So really when we all say this packs is better than the others, it's all smoke and mirrors.. It all depends on the chemical mix and material's at the time of production.

    So one batch of chemicals could be spot on for one run of Gens ace packs and the next not so good and so on .. So you might get a gens ace pack that hammers !! and your buddy might have a Pulse pack thats not quite so good and vice a versa, So don't get caught up in the hype about one pack being better than the other when in fact most top end packs as listed above are all made at the same factory. And they don't do a special mix for one brand or another it's all the same mix and materials, Come's down to cost and smooth running of the factory.

    The construction may vary a bit from pack to pack in the thinkness of copper foil used ect ect, and that can have a performance and effect on longevity, but really most of the top end packs are all the same, it's just luck of the draw on what you get..

    C ratings cant be controlled but the company brand, Ie: Gens ace, They are all at the mercy of the manufacture and vary due to many factors as listed above.

    I manufacture pcb's (Printed electrical circuit boards) and i can tell you the same sort of thing go's on in my industry, a lot of smoke and mirrors.. I have had tours of many factories in China and even got to visit a lipo factory. The set up of many manufacturing plants are just not what you would imagine. A lot are dirty dingy places with average Qa and Cleanliness, Grepow, looks like a top operation.

    Another trap for lipo companies is in the testing phase, the factory may make sure they use expensive top grade materials, Then they do the same on the first batch of a production run and then they start to soften the mix of top quality materials with cheaper stuff to increase there bottom line, This is a common bait and switch. I have a strong feeling that with Grepow this would NOT be the case. Thats why most of the time all Optipower, Gens Ace and Pulse batteries perform well.

    Looking at the Grepow factory and seeing they have a good setup with good quality control, humidity control and a very clean environment and then looking at videos of other factory's like .. umm revolectrix, I would buy an Optipower, Gens Ace or Pulse packs over ANY of the other brands..

    So dont get sucked into the hype, Look at an Optipower, Gens Ace or Pulse pack and you will see the construction is the same! Any packs that looks the same as them in construction will be from the Grepow factory..


    Last edited: Apr 23, 2014


Discussion in 'The Chat Room' started by HeliGods, Apr 23, 2014.

    1. simon

      simon Well-Known Member

      Mar 19, 2014
      Likes Received:
      I thought it was magic - that is one way cool video
    2. 3dmick

      3dmick Well-Known Member

      Mar 14, 2014
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      Get another sticker hhahah hey ray
    3. smakmeharder

      smakmeharder Administrator

      Mar 3, 2014
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      wat u talk bout @3dmick , all da same - diffrent wound eye think one battwy betta dan deuda wun and pay plenty gooood dolla . We dont care solong u pay ! we got plendy diffrent stika for u. we got u 450 here to mik fly really good!

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