Info Hw 160hv Platinum V4

Discussion in 'HobbyWing Esc's' started by Manyc, Apr 22, 2016.

By Manyc on Apr 22, 2016 at 11:49 AM
  1. Manyc

    Manyc Well-Known Member

    Mar 14, 2014
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    Hello Guys and Gals,
    I recently picked up a HW 160a for the e7se... and I thought I would give my impressions...

    specs for its can be found at the HW site... look there for all of it.. but I will list what I found interesting...

    * Anti-Spark
    * 14s
    * programing port, which can power the Optional and Included Fan
    * In-built Bec
    * reported very good Gov

    Here are some pics in comparison to the good old CC Edge 160


    Ok first impression is build quality is great, I like the mounting tabs, and it seems they have taken a large queue from Kontronic. The programming box you need to get separately, it is simple and easy to use, and also allows you to connect to a PC for firmware upgrades for the ESC, AND the programming box. Also make sure you leave the timings and PWM higher than what you might think. for example on the xnova, it is recommended to run timing between 8-10, but for HW it recommends 18 or higher.

    Governor seems to work very well... I have not moved it off any defaults, and it seems to be working well.. HS seems to be holding even during the hard aileron tic tocs.

    anyway I am looking to put one the 766...


Discussion in 'HobbyWing Esc's' started by Manyc, Apr 22, 2016.

    1. maingeer

      maingeer Active Member

      Jan 30, 2016
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      Looking forward to see how it goes on the 766.

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