I have been asked to create a mini setup guide here on the HG forums. I appreciate the interest, and here we go:
Vortex setup is pretty straight forward, but can differ significantly from other FBL controllers. The same basics still apply though. Get your mechanical setup as close to perfect as possible, remove any radio subtrims and expo, and set your preferred throttle curves.
I have attached the current (As of 18 March, 2014) setup and tuning documents To this post as well
The Vortex Knowledge base can be found here
For basic setup, follow these steps. Tuning can be addressed later;
- With the DataPod attached to the correct port on the Vortex, click the S button (On the left) until you come to the Setup Menu
- Go into the Setup:Reciever menu, and choose the proper reciever for what you are running. If you are running JR XBus, choose XBus Mode B in the transmitter, and UDI for the reciever type. Jeti will also use UDI. Be sure to bring up your ATV/Endpoint screen to verify channel assignments. You will also use the ATV/Endpoint screen in the transmitter setup step next.
- Setup:Transmitter
- Set your transmitter for mechanically mixed swashplate. This may be
referred to as “1 servo swash”, S-1, H-1, etc.- Ensure that aileron, elevator and rudder trims remain at zero in all
flight modes (Norm, Idle1, Idle2, Hold).- Move the sticks and confirm that aileron, elevator, rudder, collective
and throttle* operate in the correct direction. Reverse any transmitter
channels that move the wrong way.- Set your collective stick to mid-point. Adjust the sub-trims so that
aileron, elevator, rudder and collective read 0%.- Set your transmitter to control the gyro gain channel so that the
correct flight mode (N,1,2,H) of the Vortex is selected. We advice to
link the Vortex flight modes with your transmitter’s Norm, Idle1, Idle2
and Hold. However, you may also use a separate switch if you wish.
Specific advice for popular radios can be found in [FAQ 138].
- Be sure to do the Flight Mode setup, as this is how bank switching is accomplished. You also set the governor speeds by the Flight Mode as well (Currently Nitro Only, E Gov is coming in a future firmware release)
- In the Live Screen on the DataPod, adjust your stick endpoints so that Rudder, Pitch and Throttle ate +/- 100% on the Datapod.
- To set the endpoints for the Aileron/Elevator using the Box and Ball to the right side of the Datapod
- Setup:Sensor
- See the attached document Chapter 2_vortex_setup for an illustration of the possible sensor orientations
- Setup:Swash
- Set Servo type, swash type (Illustration is in the same document)
- Trim Servos
- This is where you find absolute center for your arms, and commit that to the FBL unit
- Collective Direction: Operate the collective stick and select the option
that makes the collective pitch move in the right direction.- Max Pos/Neg Collective: Adjust these values so that the desired
maximum positive and negative collective pitch is reached.- Cyclic Direction: Operate the cyclic stick and select the option that
makes the swashplate move the correct way.
- This is also the compensation direction
- Ail/Ele 8 degrees: Use a pitch gauge and adjust this value so that 8°
pitch on the main blades is reached. Keep it below 120% if possible
and adjust the servo ball link if necessary to achieve it.
- This needs to be done for each Axis
- Cyclic Limit: Adjust this value to set the maximum cyclic that the
Vortex is allowed to use whilst preventing mechanical binding. This
will typically be in the range 9-12°. Cyclic angles over 12° are
likely to create blade flutter and loss of performance.- Setup:Rotor Direction
- The direction that the blades spin
- Setup:Tail
- Servo type: Select the tail servo type you are using. If you are unsure
- what to choose please read [FAQ12]. Once the correct servo type is selected you may plug the tail servo to the SV4 port of Vortex
- Servo direction: Operate the rudder stick and check if the tail rotor pitch moves the correct way. Reverse this parameter as needed.
- This also sets your compensation direction
- Servo Trim: Adjust this value to achieve 90° angle between the tail servo horn and linkage.
- Servo Endpoint CW and Servo Endpoint CCW: Adjust the servo travel so it reaches maximum
- Setup:Governor
This will get you up and running with a basic tune on your FBL. I will go into some of the advanced tuning concepts in a later thread, as well as basic troubleshooting tips in another thread.
- If this is an Electric Helicopter, for now set Servo Type to Analogue, and Inhibit the governor for all flight modes
- E-Governor is coming in a future release
- Governor type: When “Inhibit” is selected the governor function is
disabled and the transmitter throttle signal is passed direct to SV5
servo output. Select this option when using the governor inside your
ESC. When “MixOnly” is selected all throttle mixing functions and
throttle endpoints of the Vortex operate however the governor
function is disabled. Finally, option “Nitro” activates the governor
function with optimisations for nitro type engines. Additional governor
types are in development.- Servo type: Select the throttle servo type you are using. For brushless
motor ESCs use the “Analog” option. If you are unsure what to choose
please read [FAQ12]. Once the correct servo type is selected you may
plug the throttle servo or ESC to the SV5 port of the Vortex.- Servo direction: Operate the throttle stick and observe the servo
moves the correct way. Reverse in the transmitter as required.- Thro idle endpoint: Adjust the servo endpoint for the approximate idle
- I recommend 0% for nitro models. This allows you to be able to adjust where your throttle position for Startup and Throttle Hold will be on the fly from your transmitter
- Thro max endpoint: Adjust the throttle servo endpoint so the
carburettor reaches the fully open position.- Gear ratio: This is the gear ratio between the engine and the main
rotor. If you are unable to find this information in the helicopter’s user
guide you can calculate it by dividing the number teeth of the main
gear by the number of teeth of the pinion gear.- If you have set up your flight modes as described above, you can now set your head speeds per Flight Mode with a slider in the DataPod
- Setup:Heli Wizard
- Presets several parameters of the Vortex based upon the size and configuration of the helicopter
- Setup:Style Wizard
- Presets several parameters of the Vortex based upon your style of flight
- I personally recommend 3D or Pro3D for most pilots. the others are pretty soft, and may feel sluggish to medium or advanced pilots
Feel free to post any issues or questions to the Spartan Forum here on HeliGods, and I will try to answer them as soon as I can.
Question? Initial Vortex Setup And Configuration
Discussion in 'Spartan RC' started by ToddMoriarty, Mar 19, 2014.
Discussion in 'Spartan RC' started by ToddMoriarty, Mar 19, 2014.