Heligods is proud of the vendors who support our forum, not because they are sponsors but because of the support they have demonstrated for the heli community.
Lets give an example.... as posted on facebook by Jody Hodgesen on 4/11/15
Mad4heli has a slogan and Mad4 service is one of them. Well this is valid.There are also other examples from @ZEN RC and @ARCRC and as these occur we will publish them in here. Of course you can also talk directly to any of the vendors through our forum.
I bought a brand new Kosmik 200 and after much messing around it went back to the distributor ( basically dead on arrival).
Anyhow the AUS distributor has had to send it to Germany with no replacement unit frown emoticon
Well Michael Wilkinson @ Mad4Heli to the rescue. He has shipped me one of his until I get my replacement from Germany.
Now that is Mad 4 Service !!
We thought it needed mentioning on Heligods because unfortunately many Facebook posts are not hit by the search engines (google and facebook = (not) friends). So we post it here so that these valuable comments are not lost after a few days Facebook activity.
So if you want to really support your favorite vendor create a thread with the vendors name like the above. It will remain on the search engines for as long as this site exists. But before creating negative posts of any kind make sure you give the vendor a chance to respond. The power of forums and search engines is quite amazing really - for example typing into google "zenrc service" will show directly under zenrc two posts from heligods. Many more examples exist.
News Mad4heli Vendor Service Recommendation
Discussion in 'Industry News' started by hgnimda, Nov 4, 2015.
Discussion in 'Industry News' started by hgnimda, Nov 4, 2015.