So...this morning, I wake up to find my husband already awake ( which is rare for him to be up before me) and he has coffee ready. He`s sitting at his computer, and he has Experience RC`s site up...and he`s looking at helicopters. I didn`t say anything, and just went to the kitchen to get a cup of coffee. When I came back into the living room. he says to me " Happy Valentine`s Day". I laughed and said...DUDE! you have your days totally mixed up. Valentine`s Day is next weekend. He said..."it came a week early this year, and then he showed me the paypal receipt from Experience RC. He bought me a TSA 600E Pro kit. What a surprise to wake up to. I have been grinning all day. Now I need to start shopping for a motor for it.
Notice My Awesome Husband.
Discussion in 'The Chat Room' started by Geena, Feb 8, 2015.
Discussion in 'The Chat Room' started by Geena, Feb 8, 2015.