Post Your Oxy's

Discussion in 'Lynx Oxy 3' started by Richard Knapp, Sep 21, 2016.

By Richard Knapp on Sep 21, 2016 at 12:40 PM
  1. Richard Knapp

    Richard Knapp Active Member

    Sep 21, 2016
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    I have owned
    Blades: Nano-550X.
    Goblin: 380,500,570.
    Protos: Mini, EVO 380 and MAX V2
    2 scratch build LYNX 180's (one a 3 head Goblin, one a stretch)

    At one time I had seven OXY 3's.

    I am down to 4 now. Sold some to get a FrSky Horus and gear to convert 4 heli's to FrSky from Spectrum. .
    I currently own a Bata OXY 4 Stretch IMG_20160914_224200541.jpg oxy 3 line up.jpg IMG_20160112_241256690.jpg wallmarch2016.jpg

    OXY 4 Stretch IMG_20160901_151407488.jpg .
    new baby.jpg

    My OXY 285 Speed Bata 6s, 6000+ un gov HS, 14.5+ pitch. Slow day bucking wind. IMG_20150817_163727848.jpg IMG_20150815_164734633.jpg


Discussion in 'Lynx Oxy 3' started by Richard Knapp, Sep 21, 2016.

    1. Beaver

      Beaver Well-Known Member

      Oct 22, 2014
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      Nice pix. ......... Uh.... Fly much? :D
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    2. Richard Knapp

      Richard Knapp Active Member

      Sep 21, 2016
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      I try to get out as much as I can.
      Unfortunately being disabled and in a wheelchair. I'm at the mercy of weather (field needs to be dry), and when some one can get me out to the field.

      I have had many heli's not posted also.
      Blade (everything from Nano to 550x), Goblin (380, 500, 570) , Walkera, Great Wall, Gaui (X3) , MSH (Mini Protos, EVO 380, MAX V2)
      I sold some to get the OXY 4 Stretch build and my Horus tx with set ups for 4 heli's.
      Goblins I sold to get more OXY's. lol
    3. smakmeharder

      smakmeharder Administrator

      Mar 3, 2014
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      Really? They are that good? What are they like to workon and how crashable are they. I lurve the goblin 380 because you can throw massive power in it and it does smak well. However i would love something i could smak in my backyard. How well do they crash?
    4. Richard Knapp

      Richard Knapp Active Member

      Sep 21, 2016
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      Average crash:
      main gear, spindle, main shaft, main blades(if you run CF )

      Hard crash parts:
      Above plus:
      boom, CF skids (unless you run stock), DFC arm (unless you run the FBL head), maybe canopy (cosmetic reasons)

      Average repair time:
      Soft to average crash: At the field
      Hard crash: 30 min to hour counting vib testing.

      OXY's are a low parts count. Very tight tolerances. Heli. OXY 3 flies like nothing else in its class. For real.
      They were targeted for the pro pilot to fly in yard when they could not get on their 700 size sticks.
    5. Richard Knapp

      Richard Knapp Active Member

      Sep 21, 2016
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      Sold my G-380 to get a EVO-380. Sold the EVO-380 to build my OXY 4+.


      I do not miss anything about any of my G's, other than the attention they get just because they are a G.

      But them people giving attention to my heli's, do not pay for my crash rebuilds. ;)
      No one paid for my crash rebuilds on these Goblins other than me. So I build and fly for me and me only now. lol
      Big Red, 570 stretched to 600, running 6s.

      Monster G-500 stretched to 550. 11157556_1094884380527297_2563924996928521423_o.jpg

      Custom fully Lynx'ed out G-500 stretched to 550.
      Lynx G-500.jpg
      Last edited: Sep 26, 2016
    6. Richard Knapp

      Richard Knapp Active Member

      Sep 21, 2016
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      6s OXY 3+

      IMG_20160101_145645066.jpg Build for me. :)
    7. smakmeharder

      smakmeharder Administrator

      Mar 3, 2014
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      I am drooling - a three blade oxy3! wow.. I think it would fly very different no doubt. For smak i cant get enough of my 380 at the moment - i was never a real big heli flyer - i found that bigger helis would move to slowly and you could get more bang for buck in the smaller helis. I think it could be because i came from flying an mcpx to 450 then 550 then 700. When flying the 700s i had a few bad experiences where things just broke. So now i primarily fly my G380. If i had a big budget I would fly a 700 more often. But its so conveinient for me to throw 10 packs in the gobby bag punch through 10 packs and come home an re-charge. You cant do that with a larger heli.
    8. smakmeharder

      smakmeharder Administrator

      Mar 3, 2014
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      So they also have nylon blades? These would still break probably at high headspeed hitting concrete i would imagine. So long as its pretty easy to replace the main gear/mainshaft and feathershaft. Once you get used to repairing a particular type heli the repair time reduces considerably.
    9. Richard Knapp

      Richard Knapp Active Member

      Sep 21, 2016
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      Yes Lynx sells plastic and plastic/CF blades for the OXY's also besides the Zeal CF.

      If your crashing with power on or even with TH, on concrete, broke blades would be my last worry with any heli or heli size. lol

      1.5mm (two for spindle) is all you need for any repair. With exception of Push rod guide replacement. (takes a mini flat blade screwdriver)

      Yes the OXY lay out, everything in out in in open. Designed to be fast and easy repaired.
      Right down to the way the no shimming play out main shaft. Eliminates needing of shames at field or keep from loosing them at the field for a main shafte repair on site at the field.
    10. Richard Knapp

      Richard Knapp Active Member

      Sep 21, 2016
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      I fly my OXY's more than anything. I have a big bird I fly now and then just to take that big bird feeling edge away. lol
      Sold my G-380. Never crashed mine but seen how much average crash's cost my friends and decided to sell mine before I put it in. I do not have much of a budget myself. I don't want to sell a heli just to repair another. That's why I sold my other G's also.
      Great heli's but have to afford crashing them also.

      Like you pointed out also. $ of lipo's and easy of just grabbing and going. Three OXY 3's in space of my one G-570 was a no brainier. lol
    11. smakmeharder

      smakmeharder Administrator

      Mar 3, 2014
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      I think luci put alot of thought into this helicopter. @thedude used to speak to luci on a daily basis - What are the best servos to run with the oxy? .i imagine weight is going to be a big issue - ie if you have slightly less weight it makes a big difference. How does the threeblade hele feel for smak? I am thinking it might be a cost effective way to experience the threeblade heli. I normally use a cgy750 due to familiarity and the fact that i have 4 of them.
    12. Richard Knapp

      Richard Knapp Active Member

      Sep 21, 2016
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      Any micro servo. All depends on your budget.
      Weight isn't a issue. I have run everything from KST 215's, BK to other full metal gears and case and the OXY has no issue with weight.
      Personally I can not say about 3 head and smack. (I'm a sport flier). Guys have smacked it in videos just as hard and fast as a 2 head.

      Here is a Cube getting smacked.
    13. smakmeharder

      smakmeharder Administrator

      Mar 3, 2014
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      Now that shows some interestign flight charactorisics..
      1) it looks as if its still quite manouvable through rolling and transitions - something i was thinking might be a problem due ot extra gyroscopic effect of the three blades.

      2)Hangtime! It Looks as if it will tick tock very nicely! Also the rolls seem more like a bigger heli would roll. I am quite supprised really. Also it seems to be pretty quick!

      3)Battery life? how long can you smak a three blader for? IE it did not seem like he was flying for very long.

      Thanks for the video @Richard Knapp ! Very nice
    14. Richard Knapp

      Richard Knapp Active Member

      Sep 21, 2016
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      "3)Battery life? how long can you smak a three blader for? IE it did not seem like he was flying for very long."

      These are questions I hate to answer for any heli.
      To many variables. Altitude of flying site, lipo size (mah or cell count), lipo brand, lipo age, motor, pinion, HS, servo draw, collective management, stretch or standard length.

      I will say. I know of hard smack fliers getting with their Cube any ware from long 2 min, to high 3 min. flights. All depends on the above listed combo. ;)

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