Hello I just purchased a radiolink at9 transmitter it's obviously a 9 channel transmitter with all the bells and whistles as any other high end radio
But has this cheap flimsy feel to it.
I was suckered into buying it because
The ad stated it was Solidly built and had a good feel to it which I can attest it doesn't . The gimbals feel like their sitting on nothing you can actually feel the friction when you move them, the buttons feel hollow and cheap even the metal toggle switches just don't feel right. I spent 125 dollars on shiz when for a few bucks more I could of gotten a Specktrum 6x. It's moments like this I go into uncontrollable rages because it's obviously nobody's fault but my own."Beats head against wall"
But their is a silver lining to all this.
This at9 transmitter works beautifully
Despite feeling cheap it's extremely sensitive especially with the throttle
The Vr switches are accurate to the
T, The helicopter and I mean all 5 of them perform absolutely flawlessly and respond without a single glitch even at 1 km which brings me to the range of this transmitter it's awesome and far the ad claims 2 km I have gone 1.5 guessing. So the overall rating on the at9 transmitter is not without mixed feelings. I love it but at the same time I want to trash it because I really want a Specktrum 6x transmitter and everybody knows how nice those are.
It's an ugly paradox for me right now.
Radiolink At9?
Discussion in 'General Subjects' started by PJ1977, Nov 14, 2016.
Discussion in 'General Subjects' started by PJ1977, Nov 14, 2016.