Video Raptor E700 Flight

Discussion in 'Heligods General Video's Section' started by Firstlady1985, Jul 15, 2014.

By Firstlady1985 on Jul 15, 2014 at 5:16 PM
  1. Firstlady1985

    Firstlady1985 Member

    May 15, 2014
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    I found a flying video on my hard drive yesterday which isn´t so bad :)
    It was a heli meeting in Germany which was orgenized of a Graupner HoTT users forum.

    The funny thing is, that there were mainly airplane flyers. So Timo and me were the only heli flyers on that event and the guys looked pretty surprised when they saw the girl flying (and you could tell that they were shure that this girlie doesnt know how to fly) :)



Discussion in 'Heligods General Video's Section' started by Firstlady1985, Jul 15, 2014.

    1. smakmeharder

      smakmeharder Administrator

      Mar 3, 2014
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      Hah thats showing them @Firstlady1985 I bet they were DOUBLE surprised! How did you get into RC Helicopters? Not too many girls fly over here in .au
    2. Jeff_Bradley

      Jeff_Bradley Well-Known Member

      Mar 14, 2014
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      Nice smooth flying, I must try and fly like that one day

      Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
    3. Firstlady1985

      Firstlady1985 Member

      May 15, 2014
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      Thanks Jeff :)
      Smakmeharder: Well I was always into rc stuff even as a young child (I had matchbox instead of barbie, although I had two barbies, but just because of the campervan). I guess my father always wanted to have a son, so he bought r/c stuff for little simone ;)
      I soon learned how to charge batteries and how to screw some easy things. I always wanted to have a R/C plane but as my father never was interested in something like that I never had the chance to try it or practice it.

      When I was 16 I bought myself a r/c airplane from ebay. It was already used and totally bad trimmed but I didnt know that, nor how to fix it. After two or three crashed I sold the rest and thought I would be too stupid for that without help. The bad thing is that back then I didnt find anyone to help me who would take a girl for serious. They all said "ask your daddy" or "this isnt a hobby for a girl"

      When I was in the practical semester during my studies I had a boss who was also crazy about geek stuff :) He told me that his brother had a tiny r/c helicopter which was flying easily and nearly indestructible, the PicooZ. So my curiosity was there again, and in the evening I bought myslef such a thing. And yes it was flying but not in the direction where I wanted it to fly. So I went again to that shop and I bought a koaxial heli, the Esky Lama. This was already flying better but with the first broken flybar I was again in that situation "Where to get help?" I found a small heli forum near munich, where the members met every month in a pizza restaurant and they invited me. These guys were awesome. They really helped me out and showed me a lot of things. They also had some 450 size helis and a "huge" Raptor 50 with them. They told me that someday I would want a big CP heli, too. Well they were right, two months later I bought myself a used Walkera DF37 (brushed) and started to hover it in the backyard. Here is one battery No #4, if you wnat to see my beginnings:

      After that I bought a second hand Mini Titan V1 and this time I did everything myself: I installed servos, programmed the TX, the ESC and the was a lot of work and a lot of reading in manuals, forums etc... but I did it :) The Mini Titan was flying!

      When I had a bit of experience I started to write in the offcial Thunder Tiger forum and I tried to help other beginners with my experience. There the team manager of the TT team discovered me. We had a nice chat over telephone and then my career as a team member started. Well thats now 5 years ago... incredible how time is running...
    4. smakmeharder

      smakmeharder Administrator

      Mar 3, 2014
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      Yes that a very interesting story. I had a Esky Big Lama coaxial as well but that was 3 years ago now. You persisted with your flying and now you are flying pretty good. I watched your video of hovering. At 4mins it gets a bit scary then you landed. And you flew for nearly 10 minutes! But it was really interesting to watch. I noticed you had an older radio with a bigger antenna.

      Working on helicopters is hard for beginners but you did it very well. @Geena is incredible the way she puts her Helicopter together as well. To put the Mini Titan together and get it flying is a big thing. Your first helicopter is allways the hardest.

      Thunder tigers are very good helicopters too. I like how they fly and the lighter weight is something many people underestimate. You also designed the canopy and tshirts I noticed. So you are good with graphics? What graphics applications do you use (illustrator?) . Normally someone who create things like that have many designs..
    5. HeLiAdIc

      HeLiAdIc Member

      Jul 12, 2014
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      Very Nice flying Simone, love the Rappy E700 a great Heli..

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