Ok, so I have an interesting challenge. I thought I'd sit down and spend a few minutes getting a start on this Mini Protos build and at least get the DS-3001HV servos mounted onto the bearing blocks.
However, it appears that the servo mounting holes in the bearing blocks are spaced more narrowly apart than the holes on the servos themselves. I measure the inner distance between the mounting holes on the bearing blocks at 4.20mm, whereas for the servos it's 4.60mm (I've checked both mounting blocks and two of the three servos and the measurements are consistent). Being 0.4mm out they're clearly not going to go on.
Does anyone have any ideas? The most obvious answer of course is that DS-3001HVs don't fit the Mini Protos, so I've sent a message to BK Servo asking about that, but I'm hoping that there's some trick here I don't know about to mount them.
Thanks in advance!
Servo Mounting
Discussion in 'MS Heli' started by Lycean, Jan 19, 2015.
Discussion in 'MS Heli' started by Lycean, Jan 19, 2015.