Info Softening The Cyclic Feel In The Cgy750

Discussion in 'Futaba CGY750 FBL System' started by Stuart, Aug 12, 2014.

By Stuart on Aug 12, 2014 at 10:47 PM
  1. Stuart

    Stuart Active Member

    May 10, 2014
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    Hey guys looking for some assistance. Recently set up the CGY750 on my TREX 500 (thanks @The Dude). Have been flying and tweaking the settings to get it close to my preference and skill etc.

    Initially I had it set on sport mode and found the cyclic feel to be perfect for me. However the tail was too slow. I changed the setting to 3D. Tail is now just about right, may need to slow it a little, but the cyclic is too quick.

    So looking for the best way to modify the setup to achieve a sport like cyclic with a faster tail.

    Any suggestions appreciated.


Discussion in 'Futaba CGY750 FBL System' started by Stuart, Aug 12, 2014.

    1. smakmeharder

      smakmeharder Administrator

      Mar 3, 2014
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      Ok I will look up the details of exactly what its called, but if you want to slow it down on the cyclic, under flight control you need to reduce the degrees per second. Make sure there is NO expo in your radio, all the expo must be controlled by the gyro. I need to review what I changed for the robotic feel but it is all under the flight control. I was trying to achieve fast but tight flight characteristics (if that makes sense)...With this gyro you can make it feel exactly how you want it...but there are a few variables to learn.
    2. Stuart

      Stuart Active Member

      May 10, 2014
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      Ok, think I have found it in the manual. Since I like the overall feel of the sports setting I'll stick with that and speed up the tail using the ANG setting in the RUD GRYO EXPERT menu.

      I'll try 600 which is more than sport but less than 3D and adjust from there.

    3. smakmeharder

      smakmeharder Administrator

      Mar 3, 2014
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      Yes that will work. I use 720 on the tail atm. But if you want to dampen down or increase the speed of the cyclic and the overall feel of the helicopter (roll rates etc) look no further than the flight tuning menu on page 14. You can do so much the options on flight tuning and make your heli feel very tight/robotic or loose and fluid. The CGY 750 is a great gyro once you get to know it better.
    4. Stuart

      Stuart Active Member

      May 10, 2014
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      Yeah, so many parameters to play with... For me it's keeping it simple at the moment. I find the flight feel and responsiveness of the sport mode very comfortable at the moment. My challenge came in stall turns. I wanted to piro more than once or at least get the piro rate quicker. In sport mode it was just too slow and if I did more than one piro in the stall I was loosing to much air. So I'm thinking that speeding up the tail is the go.i was also running 80% DR on the rudder channel so can also increase that to 100% as well.

      It will be a case of adjust and fly, assess and repeat until I get it where I want it. It's likely to change as I improved and become more confident with quicker resounds ex etc.

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