Synergy E5ss

Discussion in 'Synergy' started by Ozzy Mozzy, Sep 22, 2016.

By Ozzy Mozzy on Sep 22, 2016 at 9:28 AM
  1. Ozzy Mozzy

    Ozzy Mozzy Well-Known Member

    Jun 7, 2015
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    This Heli started off as an E5, set up on 6s with 550 blades. It was the Heli that helped me gain some confidence and I learnt a lot more with this one.... I actually miss not having a 550 size Heli now....

    I often wondered what it would be like to Super Stretch it to take 700 blades but opted to settle and stretched it to take 600 blades and changed it to a 12s setup using 2 x 3300mah lipos, I was instantly impressed and totally hooked on this size.

    But the idea of the super stretch got the better of me and I just couldnt help myself...... as expected it was an easy job and now she flys on 690 blades on the same setup I had for the 600 blades previous. Oh except the ESC, I had a CC120HV now its got the CC80HV...... RTF weight is 4.3kg and at 1900HS she moves!!!





Discussion in 'Synergy' started by Ozzy Mozzy, Sep 22, 2016.

    1. smakmeharder

      smakmeharder Administrator

      Mar 3, 2014
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      Do you think it will be strong enought? IE the drive train and the head? Stretch kits are great for providing greater diskloading(meaning more fun really) but there is usually the added danger of structural issues.
    2. Ozzy Mozzy

      Ozzy Mozzy Well-Known Member

      Jun 7, 2015
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      I believe it is..... The E5 and E7 are similar, some changes in the head, tail box, main gear and bearing blocks..... It has been done plenty of times before with no issues that I have found searching the web
    3. Manyc

      Manyc Well-Known Member

      Mar 14, 2014
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      Most of the drive train is straight off the e7se so should not be an issue.. The main and father shaft may be a bit undersized compared to stock 700 but they are still pretty beefy and I would doubt will have an issue

      Sent from my SM-G920I using Tapatalk
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