Team Or No-team..i Just Resigned

Discussion in 'The Chat Room' started by Collie_Farmer, Apr 4, 2014.

By Collie_Farmer on Apr 4, 2014 at 6:07 AM
  1. Collie_Farmer

    Collie_Farmer Active Member

    Mar 26, 2014
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    I have been on a team for almost 2 years now and just resigned after feeling like I have been taking advantage of. this year he issued new requirements that where all 1 sided in his benefit. 1st rule was you have to attend 2 fun flies a year , which cost me a average of a $1,ooo each funfly .. 2nd rule was you have to bring in new 5 new costumers a year , which is fine I average a new costumer every month .. then he wants us to pull 10-30,00 in sales...ok so I understand its business.. but then he dropped our team discount to 5 % off... its almost a standard in the hobby for 10% off your purchase on almost every heli website without being on there last year I went to 1 funfly that cost me $900 and I utilized $60.00 in team savings ( so I paid $840 to be on the team ) that was ok due to it felt good to be on a team and I had promises of moving to 25% off this year and will work my way to getting some products at cost to help promote things we sell.. instead we where dropped down to 5% team discount . and I need to pay 2,000 out my pocket to attend 2 funflys , and to make him 10,000 at least in sales...this seems 1 sided to help him.. so I decided I will no longer pay to be on the team and have to deal with all the stress

    it feels very liberating to no longer be on a was taking all the fun out of flying and making it more like a job I was starting to resent


Discussion in 'The Chat Room' started by Collie_Farmer, Apr 4, 2014.

    1. Geena

      Geena Well-Known Member

      Apr 1, 2014
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      Wow! That sounds like a bad deal for sure, and I don`t blame you one bit for walking away.
    2. Collie_Farmer

      Collie_Farmer Active Member

      Mar 26, 2014
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      yeah I will never join another team again.. I started flying to have fun and a escape..alot of stress comes along with bbeing on a team that took a lot of the fun out of it ..nd started to make flying more like a chore....I feel like a great weight has been lifted .. back to having fun
    3. TrAuMaChAsER

      TrAuMaChAsER Member

      Mar 27, 2014
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      18 can be on my team....all you have to do is provide me with one new heli a month, fix all my poo poo's that happen when I crash, oh and pat me on the back whenever I do something cool. You in?

      Sent from Hell via a nano cpx....
    4. Collie_Farmer

      Collie_Farmer Active Member

      Mar 26, 2014
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      Im down..probably cheaper then my last team
    5. hgnimda

      hgnimda Ray - Administrator Staff Member

      Mar 1, 2014
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      So is it like that in the Heli Industry? Is it like everyone out for themselves?
    6. Collie_Farmer

      Collie_Farmer Active Member

      Mar 26, 2014
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      No . Just couse I had a bad experience doesn't mean its like that everywhere. .I am disabled and live of 700 a month..I can barely effors to keep a heli in the air ..I was getting him a average of at least one new costumer a month.and was more then happy to do that...these are the things we should do on a was just the 2 funflys a year..the closest funfly to me is almost a 8 hour was going to cost me at the least 1,500 to aytend these...and it came down to I never ordered from my team anymore couse he dropped our team discount to 5%...I can go to align trex store and get 10% off and free s&h....and theres at least 10 other stores I know of that offers 10% off or I havent seen my teamate here in over 3 months.....basically fare is fare

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