Tearing It Up With The 550l

Discussion in 'Rhys Wyatt' started by Murray Wyatt, Feb 23, 2016.

By Murray Wyatt on Feb 23, 2016 at 9:54 AM
  1. Murray Wyatt

    Murray Wyatt Member

    May 8, 2014
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    Rhys flying at Heli Heatwave 2016 at Wagga Wagga



Discussion in 'Rhys Wyatt' started by Murray Wyatt, Feb 23, 2016.

    1. smakmeharder

      smakmeharder Administrator

      Mar 3, 2014
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      I wonder if Rhys is sponsored? He would be a great pickup for any hobby shop owner for several reasons.... 1) he doesnt crash that much - 2) truly unique pilot... Some great moves here. Many many advanced moves that only need refinement into Rhys`s very own style. I wonder which way Rhys will go? Will it be hard smak (rockstar flying) or precise 3d like F3N - or maybe both. Only Rhys knows what he likes most!
    2. Murray Wyatt

      Murray Wyatt Member

      May 8, 2014
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      Rhys has the support of RcCrewhobbies in Sydney, and you're right, he doesn't crash much, the mechanicals have usually been attributed to the mechanic!
      He has competed in 3DX when it was held, he was only 5 at the time. I wasn't sure how he would go having to practice the set maneuvers, but to his credit, he did them and ended up doing them well. He doesn't appear to suffer from nerves as he just loves to fly where as i find myself shaking beside him, but that doesn't show in his flying!
      During his second flight with Dunkan, I asked Dunkan whether he can talk or does he concentrate? He said he can't talk. I told him that Rhys loves to talk during his flying, usually about nothing in particular or something that is going on around him. I told Dunkan that Rhys likes to talk, so part way through this second flight, Dunkan told him to 'do some smack'!!
    3. smakmeharder

      smakmeharder Administrator

      Mar 3, 2014
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      To have Dunkan beside him while flying, that must have made Rhys pretty happy. And its great how Dad absorbs of of Rhys nerves!!!

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