So, yesterday morning nice day, wind across the paddock, took the Warp up, first speed pass okay, only slow, tried some tic tocs ok etc. Cut some grass, second speed pass, nose up and down then walls its self straight into the ground! Mains, broken, tails broken, main frames, broken, main and auto rotation gear broken, battery dead, canopy useable but smashed, tail belt broken, servo horns, all broken, servo gears one stripped and much more! Been a bad day yesterday! why did you have to do this Crash? While im on holidays?
Cheers lads
Thanks A Lot Mate!
Discussion in 'Crash Heligod' started by NevErSn0w, Apr 21, 2014.
Discussion in 'Crash Heligod' started by NevErSn0w, Apr 21, 2014.
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