The Financial Adviser

Discussion in 'General Subjects' started by Ozzieheli1, Jan 18, 2015.

By Ozzieheli1 on Jan 18, 2015 at 7:11 PM
  1. Ozzieheli1

    Ozzieheli1 Active Member

    Mar 14, 2014
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    Ok Guy , simply Question lol

    how do you get around The Financial Adviser..

    e.g. parts = How much did that cost!
    new heli's = but you can only fly one!
    browsing / research = how much you plan on spending this B****** Time
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Discussion in 'General Subjects' started by Ozzieheli1, Jan 18, 2015.

    1. HeliGod Father

      HeliGod Father Administrator Staff Member

      Mar 26, 2014
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      Dear @Ozzieheli1 .

      There are several different strategies you can use.

      1) The Yin Yan strategy

      Tell here that you need helicopter in order to balance the burden of work and family. The stresses of family provision and support toll heavily on those who have no such outlet. Even though the financial adviser fills the void of physical beauty and emotional support there are other needs that only an RC Helicopter can meet. As everything is in life is usually an intricate balance without your new helicopter the foundation of your mental structure would crumble unless you make this new purchase. So after you have confused the Financial Advisor with the above, simplify it using the following verse.

      "Whats is better for us? Me loosing my capacity to work - and my mental resolve? Or buying a new helicopter. You decide" If this strategy does not work, move to strategy No 2

      2) The Siamese Twins strategy.

      Dont tell the financial advisor about your purchase. Buy your helicopter but also buy a canopy that looks exactly the same as one of your other helicopters. Make sure one of your other helis is allways hidden. When walking out the door, allways take one heli at a time. Most financial advisors will not pick up on the subtle details of different helicopters if they have the same canopy.

      3) The winning raffle strategy

      Buy the helicopter but say that you won it at a raffle from the heli-club. If the balance of the monthly statement has a huge dent in it from the heli purchase, say the tickets were really expensive.

      Im sure the above might broaden your mind somewhat so you can choose the appropirate strategy. If you devise a new one, please - let me know and i will add it to the heli-bible.

      Your Truly

      The HeliGod Father.
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    2. Ozzieheli1

      Ozzieheli1 Active Member

      Mar 14, 2014
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      only problem with point one .....she is the bread winner :(
    3. Johnnybgoode

      Johnnybgoode Active Member

      Apr 22, 2014
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      Oh DAYM!!!
    4. HeliGod Father

      HeliGod Father Administrator Staff Member

      Mar 26, 2014
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      Well this just makes the challenge that much more exciting!

      The buttercup strategy.

      Over a few consecutive weeks you need to do something nice for her. When she comes home from work - provide a foot massage, make sure the house is clean and offer to take her to the movies.

      Do this for a few weeks - really spoil her.

      Then one night while giving her foot rub - which she has now become accustomed to - break out in tears. When she asks what the problem is explain your delima using the following frame work.

      Tell her you have had your eye on a helicopter for over a year now - and its only just come on special. You realize that you WOULD have probably had the money but due to the expenditure on recent events (movies - maybe even foot rub lotion) puts this helicopter out of your reach. You know that this offer will never be repeated. Tell her not to concern herself with this issue and resume the foot rub while sobbing!

      Now if she has any estrogen left in her soul this should create a favorable response. Either that or she will call you a wimp and we will have to think up another strategy...
    5. joffa13

      joffa13 Member

      Jan 5, 2015
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      That is Hilarious! well played heligodfather!
    6. Captain

      Captain Active Member

      Mar 15, 2014
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      Awesome. Thanks @HeliGod Father
    7. Ant

      Ant Guest

      I am really lucky in that my better half supports me having this hobby. I am the bread winner in the family, but we have a simple rule when it comes to models. As long as the bills are paid, we have food, clothing and a roof over our heads, I can buy heli's. There was one exception and that was when I bought my Quest F3C model. I was looking at just over $3K and the wife was not pleased. However, I compromised by selling a EF 50cc Extra 300 to offset the cost.
    8. Ant

      Ant Guest

      The other way is to say it is the same heli that you have always had, but you decided to repaint it.
    9. bradshaw

      bradshaw Member

      Jun 28, 2014
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      Better to just do it and ask for forgiveness than to ask and have nothing at all, so says my boss
    10. Captain

      Captain Active Member

      Mar 15, 2014
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      Ahh. the christian way. :D

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