Dear Heli Brethren.
How often do you frequent your sacred heli field/club and end up piking out because....
- Its too windy
- Its too hot
- Its too cold
- I have a hangover
Well Heli-Brethren i take it upon myself to try and educate you somewhat. Every minute you spend at the heli-field not flying is another precious flying minute lost. Sure its fine to take breaks in between flights - but for heligod fathers sake please at least attempt to fly at least once.... You wont regret it as another flight had is another flight you may never have had. So please next time you are at the field and you don't feel like flying? Just do yourself a favor, grab that heli by the mainshaft and just perform some easy figure 8s or practice some basic skills. Not every flight has to be a balls to the walls smak fest. Find some time to re-connect with your heli when you dont think you should....
To Fly Or Not To Fly.... That Is The Question
Discussion in 'Sermons' started by HeliGod Father, Oct 20, 2014.
Discussion in 'Sermons' started by HeliGod Father, Oct 20, 2014.