Uggghhhhh I'm Going Nuts

Discussion in 'The Chat Room' started by TrAuMaChAsER, Mar 31, 2014.

By TrAuMaChAsER on Mar 31, 2014 at 5:44 PM
  1. TrAuMaChAsER

    TrAuMaChAsER Member

    Mar 27, 2014
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    It's been about a week since I've been able to fly. My nano cpx is down until I get a part (still not knowing if that's going to fix it) if that doesn't work it needs to go back to horizon for a board replacement. It's been way to crappy out to fly my 500x. I can fly my v911 but that's getting really old really fast but I'm so desperate right now I might have to charge up some batteries.



Discussion in 'The Chat Room' started by TrAuMaChAsER, Mar 31, 2014.

    1. smakmeharder

      smakmeharder Administrator

      Mar 3, 2014
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      There is nothing worse. I recommend lots of sim time, nail that trick that you have been wanting to learn. Sometimes simming to music helps make it more interesting. But regardless for me I love the sim.
    2. TrAuMaChAsER

      TrAuMaChAsER Member

      Mar 27, 2014
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      Haaha...yeah. I was gonna hook the pc up to the big screen today but I ended up catching up on some sleep...I think that's what I'm gonna do tomorrow. Hopefully that part comes in Wednesday and HOPEFULLY it is the reason I'm having problems. I think there is a good chance it is the chink in the chain! Pray to the heli gods that at least my nano is up and running by Wednesday or Thursday. If not.....I'm driving a hour away to the big hobby shop around here and buying something new....maybe a quad.

      Sent from Hell via a nano cpx....
    3. TrAuMaChAsER

      TrAuMaChAsER Member

      Mar 27, 2014
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      Wow my part came Does this guy have esp or something?

      Sent from Hell via a nano cpx....
    4. TrAuMaChAsER

      TrAuMaChAsER Member

      Mar 27, 2014
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      OMG.....this is the last blade product I will ever buy! I know you guys don't know the whole story but I have been to hell and back with this nano. I just finally got through to horizon (after 4 calls, 4 return number messages with no return call from them) and spoke with him for 40 minutes after he waited for me to reassemble my heli while he waited on the phone ( talk about the feeling of being rushed) just so he could walk me through the binding process to see if that would fix it! Are you freaking kidding me? I just spent 40 minutes telling him what was going on and EVERYTHING I tried to find the problem and fix it. Just for him to say it's probably the board.....NO $41+ you moron! So then as I was talking, out of nowhere he sends me to a voice mail? Then I get forwarded to an operator? Wtf right? So I explain to the operator I was just on the phone with tech support and she goes hold on I'll put you know I'm on hold again! I hang up thinking hey this guy, WHICH I WAS JUST TALKING TO....has my phone number and will call me back since HE cut me off.... Well he doesn't call back! Was a a$$!!!!! So after waiting for him to call back I decide to call them and just wait on hold again. So after 35 minutes on hold again I get through to someone who must must be working on some kind of work release program for the mentally disabled....this "tech support guy" is mumbling to himself about who knows what and not doing a damn thing to help me. I don't even think he knows where he is or what he is doing at this point?.... So all in all they tey to make me happy by selling me a 3 in 1 with no shipping....I ABOUT HIT THE ROOF! I've been trying to be really nice because I believe if you treat people with respect and be nice to them they will do the same. Not like these guys on the phone give a shiz about me or my problem and I'm sure they won't lose any sleep if I cuss them out and say I'll never buy a blade product again in my life. But after they said they can sell me a 3 in 1 or I can mail them my nano and pay 32$ an hour for them to fix it I felt like driving the 2 hours to champaign IL. and going postal. It's a franking 99$ retail priced heli! For gods sake your parts are freakin ridiculous. If I were to buy every part for a nano it would be a 400$ heli I bet! So after blowing a fuse I got them to send me a 3&1 for 50% off(which is still 50% to high in my opinion for all I've been through) and a free motor ( that will last 2 weeks). So I'm fixing this and selling it first thing. LAST BLADE PRODUCT I WILL EEEVVVVER BUY! If they would of just treated me with some respect and acted like my time was worth something I'd be happy...but no they didn't. So I'm sure a better rc heli company will be glad to have me as a customer and I'm sure I'll be glad I won't have to deal with inferior parts and customer service.

      I know this is a rant and their are plenty of people with great working blade helis and I'm happy for you, I truly am. But be happy that I won't be buying that last 550x in stock that you want lol. I'll be buying a something much better! Hahaha
      Uuuggghhhhh what a rant huh! Lol. I do feel better now though.

      Sent from Hell via a nano cpx....
    5. smakmeharder

      smakmeharder Administrator

      Mar 3, 2014
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      I was weened on an mcpx..flew it to death. All micros have issues and nano is no different. I thought the nano was ok? I have not put many packs through my nano...... my landing gear keeps breaking. But Traumachase i had the same problem as yours and it was the plug. I know you have already tested it, but did you replace it? Because sometimes the faults only show under load. I feel for you dude. When micros work they are the best things in the world. When they dont they are the worst..
    6. TrAuMaChAsER

      TrAuMaChAsER Member

      Mar 27, 2014
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      No I didn't replace it. I guess I will since I'm getting a new board coming. If it works I'll just return it. Since the horizon techs were asses I was just going to say the board didn't work and send back the bad one lol. Ass wipes. Seriously the last fix with this thing. Summer is here and I'll be out flying the 500.

      But if it's the battery lead cable why would it do it's 3-4 times when I first got it back in January and not do it again until now? Sounds to me like a component on the board.

      Sent from Hell via a nano cpx....
      Last edited: Apr 2, 2014
    7. smakmeharder

      smakmeharder Administrator

      Mar 3, 2014
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      The reason it may be intermittant is because it could potentially be inside the plug. if the small female clips are not firmly connecting onto the battery terminal it will still show ok resistance using your multimeter but when its actually working the higher current flow creates a voltage drop across the connection which sends the esc into low voltage condition. So it can be intermittent as a result. Nevertheless, if you send the board back that will cover all issues except for servo issues. Probably the best thing to do given the circumstance.
    8. TrAuMaChAsER

      TrAuMaChAsER Member

      Mar 27, 2014
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      It works with the new board. So I. Sending the stock board back saying that the new board dint work...problem solved. And your still not explaining why it would do it 2-3 times over a month ago and then not again for a month. Oh well electronics are temperamental....doesn't matter now.

      Sent from Hell via a nano cpx....
    9. smakmeharder

      smakmeharder Administrator

      Mar 3, 2014
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      Without actually having the heli in front of you, it can be hard to diagnose over the internet, but i think you did the right thing at any rate. If you had soldered on the new plug it would have void your warranty I guess. I would have loved to have got my hands on it to at least give it a go. By it hapening 2-3 times a month ago, then not again for a month indicates an intermittent connection - somewhere... Bad solder joint on the board, or bad connection somewhere in the lead/plug. Usually the wire/plug combo is the culprit because its prone to failure because its constantly used. If the plug connection is just touching then its feesable that the above occur, same if a few strands of the wires are broken internally.

      But as you said, it doesnt matter now - I just hope it behaves for you. I just got some new landing gear for my nano and hope to get it in the air again now. For some reason i kept breaking landing gear!
    10. TrAuMaChAsER

      TrAuMaChAsER Member

      Mar 27, 2014
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      Well apparently there is no warranty on it....for some reason I thought there was one...don't know where I got that. Any rate. Depending on what I decide to do with it, which since horizon has screwed me out of so much money on this heli my plan is still to send the bad board back acting like it's the new one and say it doesn't work right. If for some reason that doesn't fly I'll solder the new battery lead on. But if they send me another board back or give me my money back at any rate I'll be happy.

      Sent from Hell via a nano cpx....
    11. TrAuMaChAsER

      TrAuMaChAsER Member

      Mar 27, 2014
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      You can clean these 3-1 boards in alcohol without ruining them right? My plan was before sending it back to clean it up in alcohol and a soft bristled tooth brush.

      Sent from Hell via a nano cpx....
    12. smakmeharder

      smakmeharder Administrator

      Mar 3, 2014
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      Well now i am going nuts. I just got the new landing gear for my Nano and i cant find the batteries to fly it!!!
    13. smakmeharder

      smakmeharder Administrator

      Mar 3, 2014
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      Be careful Traumachaser. I would almost be tempted only to dust the PCB with a brush unless its really dirty. You can never tell what might happen.
    14. Manyc

      Manyc Well-Known Member

      Mar 14, 2014
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      Isn't there a guy on helifreak in the U.S. that cleans and refurbished the 3in1 for $25?

    15. TrAuMaChAsER

      TrAuMaChAsER Member

      Mar 27, 2014
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      Yeah because I'd pay 25 dollars to clean a board I'm sending back to horizon to get my 32 dollars back that I paid for the new one they sent lol.

      Sent from Hell via a nano cpx....
    16. smakmeharder

      smakmeharder Administrator

      Mar 3, 2014
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      I think manyc means by refurbishment, they clean and fix it. Be pretty expensive if it was just to clean - if so I will clean it for 10 dollars lol.
    17. TrAuMaChAsER

      TrAuMaChAsER Member

      Mar 27, 2014
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      Ok but I don't need it refurbished...nor cleaned really....I just wanted to know if that's the way people do it. I've cleaned other boards that way.

      Sent from Hell via a nano cpx....
    18. smakmeharder

      smakmeharder Administrator

      Mar 3, 2014
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      Yes I think you are right Trauma. A friend who makes PCBS just told me to clean using only PURE isopropyl alcohol...
    19. HeliGods

      HeliGods Mark - Administrator Staff Member

      Mar 2, 2014
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      Dats right ... Alcohol on silicon is completely fine. Silicon is nearly bulletproof (not physically) to chemicals due to it's metalloid structure. If you use it make sure it's %100 Pure, Dont use Rubbing alcohol is usually just 70% isopropyl alcohol
      and 30% water but sometimes they include other compounds like witchhazel, oil of wintergreen and other things for massagess so dont use rubbing alcohol, You can also get electronic contact cleaner that will work, pretty much the same stuff as IPA anyway ..

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