Upcoming Event Winter Solstice Fun Fly

Discussion in 'Club Events / Club Talk' started by 5Fidy, May 5, 2014.

By 5Fidy on May 5, 2014 at 9:23 PM
  1. 5Fidy

    5Fidy RIP Jason

    Mar 15, 2014
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    This my friends is the event not to be missed by any mere mortal. The upcoming queens birthday is as we all know a long weekend so the Idea has come to fruition from TEAM NO - CRASH. That we the heli brethren hold the fun fly of the century Starting at melb heli club bright and early for an Awsome days flying topped off with a BBQ for lunch to keep our brains sharp so CRASH cannot take advantage of brain fatigue. The we relocate to freestylers for the late afternoon/ evening night fly session.. and a bon fire with a sacrificial heli experience like no other. Then we retire to my house with our traditional melb heli piss up sim session with loud music and me on guitarrrrrrrrrrrr. What do you reckon guys. ALL WELCOME


Discussion in 'Club Events / Club Talk' started by 5Fidy, May 5, 2014.

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