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Heligods - The International RC Helicopter Forum
Learn to Fly 3d RC Helicopters
Any one have a Maxi yet ?
Cant wait to see what people have got ..
Any one have any nice ones ?
Lets see them ...
- Do you have to break in a new Lipo ?
- Is storage change needed, if you fly every few days
- I have read to follow the 80% rule. Drain out no more than 80% of the lipos capacity. Correct ?
- If I storage charge do i keep them in the fridge ?
- If the packs are really warm do they have to cool down before i charge them again ?
They all seem to have sleek aerodynamic design's, Typically lower head's .. Big power motors and more pitch is that it ?
Are they much harder to fly ? and if so ... Why?
Are they much harder to fly ? and if so ... Why?
Minp p Lynx Tail Pitch Slider
I got the Mini P Tail pitch Slider last week, WoW worth every cent a really good upgrade. The tail is SO SOLID now in tail down funnels , it's amazing, Holds Really well.. No more blow out's.. Good to see they are doing more upgrades aswell.. Anybody else have any info on any other upgrades for the minip ..
Lynx 130x frame
I just got my 130 rebooted with a new lynx 130 x frame upgrade.. Nice ....
I've been a bad boy ..
You know i have, But now i'm retired and love to Smack my helis, Please heligods allow me to repent for my past Heli sins.. so i may keep it in a hover..
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© Jason Axelrod from 8WAYRUN.COM