Info Do Plankers Dislike Helicopter Pilots And Do Helicopter Pilots Dislike Plankers - Why?

Discussion in 'The Chat Room' started by smakmeharder, May 24, 2014.

By smakmeharder on May 24, 2014 at 10:48 PM
  1. smakmeharder

    smakmeharder Administrator

    Mar 3, 2014
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    This question is a bit controversial but it has to be asked. Do Plankers dislike Helicopter Pilots and do Helicopter Pilots dislike Plankers? If so Why?

    Please quote your experiences but at all costs lets keep it civil.


Discussion in 'The Chat Room' started by smakmeharder, May 24, 2014.

    1. simon

      simon Well-Known Member

      Mar 19, 2014
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      I'm gunna get some, for when I have been relegated to the 'small' area
    2. smakmeharder

      smakmeharder Administrator

      Mar 3, 2014
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      Yes i would agree... EDGE
    3. The Dude

      The Dude Well-Known Member

      Mar 4, 2014
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      I think the older plankers just get scared of what looks to them like erratic behavior of a heli when doing 3d, they just dont get it.. Flying a plank is more structured to them and they know it's gunna now go > that way.. then 2 mins later, it's now gunna go < that way .. they have set flight paths, so they feel all warm and cosy.. Helis scare them, cus they cant run that fast anymore to get out of the way of the erratic out of control helicopter. And a lot of them are purists , (Insert old man voice here) "if it cant do it in real life you should not be doing it on a model, Thats not how a helicopter fly , ya know" What your doing is not flying it's just bagging the stick's, there is not real show of control or skill at all! (this was said to me at swan hill)

      Basically old purists, Not all of them but most of them.. I infact i as most heli people don't have an issue with plankers, it just another part of our rc hobby to me. I really don't understand the issues and divisions that go's on in our hobby, I think we all have something to appreciate and learn off each other.. Planks, Quads, Cars, Boats.. It's all the same to me, just part of the rc hobby.
    4. smakmeharder

      smakmeharder Administrator

      Mar 3, 2014
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      Heli pilots who fly planks at a field definitely do not have this attitude in fact I think because they are involved from both hobbies, they are less likely to posses any form of negativity. Maybe all heli pilots should buy a plank and all plankers should buy a heli! I have a feeling @Crash Heligod would support this!
    5. feral

      feral Well-Known Member

      Mar 14, 2014
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      Thats me
    6. Dave

      Dave New Member

      May 11, 2014
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      You know its funny to read that post of heli pilot flys a plane and plane pilots get a heli . Because I started flying planes first and bought my first heli 5 yr ago. Back then there was only one other heli in the club and everyone was cool , I only sport fly and flew with planes at the same time . I changed clubs to a heli club a year later to learn to fly better and get help with setup . We lost our field and relocated to a cricket field I was bantered and called a planker wanker when I started to fly planes at the new field Fast forward to 6mths ago and guess what . Hey Dave ive just bought a HK foam glider can you help me lol. Hey I have this plane in the car (said quietly lol) what you think. And CFI at field I found out has a 20'container fuĺl . But best one was the guy caĺling me a planker wanker went and bought a boomerang 40 trainer same one Ive been teaching my 7yr daughter to fly lol. Dont think he likes me calling him a planker wanker . But now im torn between two clubs as my old one called be back and I teach newbys and love it and the crew and heli club is good cause my 11yr boy can fly awesome 3d only because of this club . Good fun banter in both clubs . But funny how the heli only club is slowly converting to plane/heli flyers because I took a plane there.
    7. simon

      simon Well-Known Member

      Mar 19, 2014
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      I just like things that fly, i even enjoy a kite!
    8. Fredo

      Fredo Well-Known Member

      Mar 19, 2014
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      Do Plankers Dislike Helicopter Pilots and Do Helicopter Pilots Dislike Plankers - Why?
      To answer these questions you have to understand each other’s point of view! .I’ll start with the “Plankers point of view.
      Rules at all Model aero-plane clubs dictate that when more than one model is in the air all the models “must do a circuit” The direction isn’t important so long as all the models are going in the same direction. That’s pretty obvious as just like racing cars it’s a lot safer if you don’t go against the flow!
      Then they have in place a dead stick rule. (If you lose power you have priority to land from any direction.)
      Model air-planes require around 1 kilometre of airspace to do their circuits .Yes fully competent pilots can do it in much less but that’s not the norm as when you have several models in the air at one time some choose to go outside the circuit and do a few manoeuvres at will.
      The design of model aero-planes demand that they take off and land into the wind. That’s common sense isn’t it? So at whatever field you go to the take- off and landing direction is dictated by the wind direction.
      Believe it or not = I MAC/Jet models are normally frowned upon at most clubs as the fly huge circuits and very long flights (at least 15 min and up to ½ hour.) I know of several clubs that won’t allow these huge models to even to fly at their field partly because these expensive models ranging from prices in excess of $10000 sometime these pilots think they have priority whenever they wish.
      Part of the problem is that exhilarating as it may be the sight of a 120”plus model hovering at 9 meters frightens most the members especially the older generation as they are well aware that mechanical and electronic components can and do fail without warning.
      Then you have the worker whose only chance to have a fly is on the weekends. (Sat/Sun) Same as most. Yes it’s the busiest time of the week and everyone is fighting to have a fly.
      So when a “group” of heli enthusiasts seek a “fair time and area” to fly you can imagine the chaos.
      Good planning and forward notice at a plank field is imperative if a group of heli pilots wish to fly .With a simple phone call to a committee member and approval as to the conditions/availability/areas the frustrating disappointment and conclusion found by the visitors would not be!
      NOW COME UP WITH A SOLUTION! If you can that fair to all!
      Now the Dedicated heli group.
      Helis can be divided into three distinct groups.
      Scale F3C 3D
      From what I have witnessed none of these groups get along very well together as each group demand sole use of defined areas as they cannot concentrate on their specific discipline without the annoying distraction that others may have at the time.
      That’s normal isn’t it?
      A simple fact is that Model helicopters cannot under normal circumstances fly together in the same area as they change direction randomly at a will making it dangerous for all. Can you imagine all 3 disciplines flying at the same time? NO WAY!
      I know of two dedicated model Helicopter clubs. One with only weekend and holiday flying and the other with virtually unlimited access.
      Now take the following as hypothetical
      Imagine a “group” of plankers asking for permission to fly at either field. It’s NOT going to happen! Possibly one may get approval but “NEVER” a group! The same applies, after all it’s a Heli dedicated club isn’t it? Sometimes even model cars are frowned upon.
      Where does this leave us? Is there a solution?
      My only advice is for you the “modeller” is to give notice of your intent before you ”INVADE” any club as a “group” so it’s crystal clear as to whether or not you are welcome to fly .
      This is my view as an “RC AERO MODELER. And I do ”NOT” distinguish or dislike the differences between helis and planks but welcome and admire all things RC that FLY!
    9. Mark Mickels

      Mark Mickels Well-Known Member

      Apr 26, 2014
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      I think Fredo is on to something here. I like seeing planes fly, but they do tend to stay in the air for a lot longer than the helis do. I also find that "some" plane pilots disregard safety and will fly over you. One of them crashed about five feet away from a friend of mine. It was scary because the electric planes are pretty quiet and there was no warning. I've flown planes, and gliders before, so I'm not a heli snob, but we all need to do our part to ensure safety and also allow different types of aircraft to have a chance to fly.
    10. The Dude

      The Dude Well-Known Member

      Mar 4, 2014
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      SOME Plankers do have a dislike towards heli guy's, before i joined MRCHC , There is another local club near by and when i went to see them they where all very friendly and talkative, really nice bunch of blokes , standing around in a circle all yakking on , as soon as i mentioned i was interested in helis, the conversation went STONE cold and in a very short time i was left standing there alone, wondering what i said wrong, they would not even look me in the eye after that, It was that bad.
    11. HungryHungryHippos

      HungryHungryHippos Well-Known Member

      Mar 14, 2014
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      I think the particular plankers you are referring to, that think there is no real show of control or skill, and think flying a plank is more structured, compared to 3D, have never tried F3C!

      At the end of the day 3D and F3C require skill, F3C is just requires a teeny bit more patience and discipline.

      Last edited: May 26, 2014
    12. smakmeharder

      smakmeharder Administrator

      Mar 3, 2014
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      WOW @Fredo good write up! Lots of different views in there from different perspectives. The interesting thing about the Swan Hill event however was we were asked to attend and stipulated - can we fly? Here are the exact words repeated to us several times before attending by the president.

      "You can fly anywhere we have a HUGE place , you can choose any spot you want to fly, we also have a big genny you can use.. You guys can pretty much have free run of the place and choose where you want to setup as we really want the heli guys there.. so the more the merry, we will do anything needed to accommodate you .."

      So that's why we attended that event and that's the reason why I had to ask the question after the bad experience. I think maybe what has happened in the Swan Hill episode, was that the initial plan was as stated, but once the event started the members (100% Plankers) overruled the president.

      But listening to your words and I know that @Geena also has a great flying field with very considerate pilots, its not everywhere. I understand the Plank flying procedure is very different to helicopters now. Something I thought about but not in the detail @fred expressed it.

      So its not everywhere and those that fly both planks/helis have a better understanding and you @fred being in the hobby for a long period of time has given a great perspective on the different views of each hobby discipline.
    13. 5Fidy

      5Fidy RIP Jason

      Mar 15, 2014
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      Ah still NO COMMENT!!!!!!
    14. smakmeharder

      smakmeharder Administrator

      Mar 3, 2014
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      Yes that's true Dave, and an awesome story. The banter is funny and fine and I enjoy banter. This site walks a fine line but manages to hold the level of freedom at a point where you can still express provided its not nasty or demeaning. Helis Vs Planes is only a problem when some people take it to the next level and it becomes hatred and then they act on it. And whatever way you look at it - from a heli perspective or from a plan perspective - that hatred is bad. But what you have done is planted the seed of "hey this plane thing could be cool" and vice versa. Well done.
    15. smakmeharder

      smakmeharder Administrator

      Mar 3, 2014
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      Definitely a skill dude. no doubt about it. Your less likely to crash too!
    16. Manyc

      Manyc Well-Known Member

      Mar 14, 2014
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      Thats not like you @5Fidy
    17. Fredo

      Fredo Well-Known Member

      Mar 19, 2014
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      Sometimes " #it happens " Just don't loose your spirit !
    18. RonM3313

      RonM3313 Member

      May 6, 2014
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      I didn't even tell all of my story! The first time I went to the field with the guys that talked me into buying a plane I was the only heli guy. The field has 2 halves and the first time I flew EVERYBODY landed! It was hysterical. The second time it was business as usual with the planes guys flying in the other half. They told me there's a guy who used to fly helis but he's a plane guy now. Not all the way as it turns out. As I started going he brought out his 450 helis, bought a 500, bought a used 550, bought a 7HV, and now a Goblin 570. I apologized to his wife when I met her. He sold all but one of his planes. Now there's 3 of us heli guys. The plane guys still like us and us them. The nice thing about this field is there's 2 halves. It's easy to fly in either half which makes it much easier to take turns.

      I think the ability to separate the field into equal flying zones makes it easier for heli and planes to share the space.
    19. Jeff_Bradley

      Jeff_Bradley Well-Known Member

      Mar 14, 2014
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      Don't worry they will eventually move on if you know what I mean. I won't fly with them after a comical experience at a Werribee fun day.

      Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
      Last edited: May 26, 2014
    20. Radar

      Radar Moderator Staff Member

      Mar 4, 2014
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      I don't have a problem with Plankers or Heli pilots, I have a problem with people that don't support the hobby. I have had good and bad experience. Probably the worst was in my early days of flying, I had just joined what I thought was one of the best clubs around from my research and not far from where I lived (Not going to name names) I had been a member for 3 months and I was flying my 450 on one of the flight lines away from all the plankers when I heard a guy approaching me yelling and screaming out,"Hey......ARE YOU A MEMBER..........HEY WHO ARE YOU." And out of disbelief he stood in front of me about half a meter from my face and continued to yell. Having to move so I could see my model so I could land the guy had walked off by that stage. Turns out he was the President of the club, what a great role model.

      On the other hand I have been asked to do some demo flights at a few plank clubs and every time I have a lot of the plankers end up coming to talk to me to tell me how awesome my heli was. And by the way there are some awesome 3D Plankers out there too.

      The hobby people I have had most trouble with are always the old farts with their crappy mentality heli or plankers, there is a place for those pilots and people. It's the club where the President yelled out me, so go and leave our fields in peace and join that club because that's where you will all get along.

      P.S. Edge make the biggest Fart sounds!

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