Notice Goblin Clones !!!

Discussion in 'The Chat Room' started by The Dude, Sep 28, 2015.

By The Dude on Sep 28, 2015 at 10:37 AM
  1. The Dude

    The Dude Well-Known Member

    Mar 4, 2014
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    So how long until ....

    Out of all the helis on the market, I would have thought the goblin line would be the easiest to clone.

    " Not saying it should happen ", But really if i was in China and wanted to clone a heli, SAB would be the go to brand, They seem to be the biggest sellers now. As a maker of clones you would do well out of it for sure....

    So why has it not happened, Is there not enough sales in the rcheli industries anymore for the clone makers to get involved.

    I'm surprised they have not jumped all over the SAB brand by now .. Again , NOT supporting it at all, just wondering what your thoughts are on why it has not happened.

    And when i say clone, I'm not talking about looking the same, I mean Drive train and everything ...


Discussion in 'The Chat Room' started by The Dude, Sep 28, 2015.

    1. icanfly

      icanfly New Member

      Dec 5, 2015
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      those alu parts are bead blasted probably to save money on a low imperfection/cutter marked part coming out of the cnc process. The finish is what's known as a matt finish aka semi gloss, less expensive than gloss aluminum. I have a d380 and got it to consider mods, one of which is a speed canopy for the g380 and 420. At least alzrc has improved and simplified some aspects of the g380 like main shaft removal and they went ahead and listened to advice I gave them about the tail hub originally not stepped for the grip bearings. You can read 100+ pages of goings on over at hf "here come the clones" topic (or something similar).
    2. PJ1977

      PJ1977 Member

      Aug 8, 2016
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      shiz thanks for the update seriously. I bought this because i am not ready to handle a goblin 380 and crash a 1200 dollar helicopter this is by far cheaper so i will use this to train on. You know what else i recognized that the Alzrc parts are swappable with the S.A.B..
      But like i said its not worth it since the is what i call my bang up heli lol. Did you really give Alzrc advice about the tail. If so thats really awesome.
      But in all seriousness thanks for the info.
    3. Beaver

      Beaver Well-Known Member

      Oct 22, 2014
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      I am 100% in agreement about using clones for learning as opposed to buying a $500 kit and crashing it. My first full-blown kit build was a CX450SE-V3 with a K-Bar FBL. I was BNF ready and airborne for around $180, all in, electronics and everything. Align compatible parts were cheap enough, so with minimal investment, I was able to build up a tough little 450 that I crashed many times with minimal damage thanks to the survivability of the Align upgrades. (I refer to such parts as: Mainshaft, tailshaft, main gears, etc.)
      I can see the G380/D380 situation working out as well, with proper upgrades.
    4. maingeer

      maingeer Active Member

      Jan 30, 2016
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      To the OP: Most people that ends up buying clones eventually buys one if not more original helis. If it entices people to get into the heli hobby, I'm all for it.

      Currently over here the price difference between a G380 and a D380 is not by much, if I had to choose due to the current prices, I'd get a G380. I shopped around for best prices
    5. Beaver

      Beaver Well-Known Member

      Oct 22, 2014
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      The problem that I noticed is that the difference in price between the D380 and the G380 isn't that much. Sure, you might save some money with the D380 kit, bit after doing the needed upgrades to the D380, is it really worth spending the money to upgrade a D380 to G380 specs, when it could have almost been almost as cost effective to get a G380 and be already there as far as quality is concerned. It's not quite the same game as it was with the Align clone I dealt with...... according to the reports I've read.
    6. ChopsyWA

      ChopsyWA Well-Known Member

      May 31, 2014
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      Agree, and the money spent on the clone has ended up in the pockets of a scumbag thief instead of the company that did the R&D to create the heli in the first place.
      To quote comments from the latest Smacktalk RC podcast (Bert & Bobby) - "if you buy clones you are killing the hobby..."
    7. maingeer

      maingeer Active Member

      Jan 30, 2016
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      From what I've seen it's the crashing that kills the wallet/hobby eventually, if a person crashes enough times, soon enough they will feel the pinch. As you have seen for yourself with the amount of crashes you've experienced with your clone. Not for the cheap even if it was a clone. Can you imagine if it was a 5K kit. Sure it's all been done before many many many times, a lot of people has come and gone, even pro pilots, some moved on to drones.

      I always tell people practice as much as you can on the sim especially new maneuvers that you would like to try. Most of all just take it easy on your real heli model, enjoy the hobby, the universe will sort it self out.
    8. smakmeharder

      smakmeharder Administrator

      Mar 3, 2014
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      From my experience most of those who buy clones and who survive the onslaught from @Crash Heligod end up addicted usually buy the real deal. I dont know too many people who purchase and stick with clones longterm. So while the manufacturers are thieves - without a doubt - it offers a cheap way for people to try.

      In china - the home of most clones - its not illegal for them to copy. It seems to me the whole economy of china revolves around one thing - and that is money. It seems to me that in China money is more important than anything else - IP, human life - everything. So legally in their own country they are allowed to do it - and they change the heli by X percent to make it legal to import OR sell online.

      But then there is the counter argument. If more people brought the originals the brand manufactures would compete against each other and the brand helis would be cheaper and this would put more money back into the pockets of the inventors who would then continue to innovate.

      Then there is the vague line of what constitutes infringement - for example brand manufacturers often copy good ideas from one model and incorporate it in their own new release.

      I am not taking a stance here - just stating facts. When I started flying I purchased a clone of sorts - copterx black angel. I did not even know its was a clone. But it got me hooked and i realized by having helicopters literally explode in front of me due to overpowered motors - the clones were NOT going to do what i wanted them to. @The Dude had several explode! Then i purchased a miniprot0s/align700/goblin700 and goblin380 - all brand name. The rest is history.
    9. Beaver

      Beaver Well-Known Member

      Oct 22, 2014
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      True enough, but after a point, or at least in my case, the clones served their purpose....... I've changed over to name-brand heli, starting with my Mini Protos, now that most of the initial "rookie" mistakes are behind me and crashes are fewer and farther between.

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