Kds Chase 360 - Unboxing

Discussion in 'KDS Model' started by jockstrap, Aug 28, 2014.

By jockstrap on Aug 28, 2014 at 4:15 PM
  1. jockstrap

    jockstrap Active Member

    Apr 3, 2014
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    Folks - mine arrived today...
    Needless to say - Wow, what a heli...

    I can tell you this is the hottest 450 out there - but have a look for yourself...

    Note: No manual thou - grrrrrr, would have liked a hardcopy manual for the price :(

    Does anyone have a soft copy or link to a softcopy of the manual ? Is there even one ????

    Dsc04308.jpg Dsc04309.jpg Dsc04310.jpg Dsc04311.jpg Dsc04312.jpg Dsc04313.jpg Dsc04314.jpg Dsc04315.jpg Dsc04316.jpg Dsc04317.jpg
    Last edited: Aug 28, 2014


Discussion in 'KDS Model' started by jockstrap, Aug 28, 2014.

    1. ZEN RC

      ZEN RC Well-Known Member

      May 8, 2014
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      Well, I hadn't taken a lot of notice of the Chase 360 to date. Don't get me wrong, I'm always happy to see new machines being released and happy people flying them, especially when they are designed by one of our own. But being a SAB man, I hadn't put a lot of thought into the Chase....

      That was until the Heligods Funfly last weekend. Once I saw that little bird in action and spent a bit of time Chatting with our good mate Glen, all I can say is Wow!! That is one truly impressive little beast. Especially considering it's size. Fly's like an absolute dream. And in the hands of a great pilot like little Mr Labita it looked like a wasp on speed!!

      I was so impressed with the chase that I agreed to build one for a mate of mine. As I've been going through the build over the last couple of days, once again, all I can say is Wow!! The quality and ease of the build is surprisingly good when compared to the previous KDS models that I've played around with. KDS have really stepped up for this one. I am seriously looking forward to setting it up and giving it a run.

      Well done Glen - the Chase 360 is an absolute Beauty!!! In all honesty, probably the best 450 class heli I've come across yet. Yes @Manyc , I think I just might like it better than my Protos. Something I didn't think I'd ever say about a 450 class bird.

      Again - Well done Glen !!!
    2. smakmeharder

      smakmeharder Administrator

      Mar 3, 2014
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      I think its a beautiful build as well @ZEN RC , credit where credit is due. It is a well engineered helicopter. I had a few comments i provided to glen, and its sort of a different beasty than the minip. It has more lattitude for customization, Its more modern in its design and very solid. When I had a fly, the setup was wrong for my style, ie it was too tight but i could feel the potential. I had to hold my jaw in place when glen told me 12S will be available!!! maaaaan....
      Last edited: Dec 5, 2014

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