Thanks Wow Synergy E5 Maiden Today

Discussion in 'Synergy' started by Stuart, Aug 12, 2014.

By Stuart on Aug 12, 2014 at 9:53 PM
  1. Stuart

    Stuart Active Member

    May 10, 2014
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    I recently purchased a secondhand E5. After some careful transmitter setup and some assistance from forum members with the setup of the Castle ESC I took it for its maiden flight today.

    Wow and wow. I was blown away with how well it flew and how locked in and stable it was. Everything about but was smooth.

    It was quite windy this afternoon and the E5 didn't seem to notice. My TREX 500 was buffeted by the wind, but the E5 just ate it up.

    I was really amazed at the difference between the two. I'm guessing the additional size and weight plus, governed head speed and build quality etc make a bigger difference than I Imagined.

    It may sound strange but the smooth response and more locked in feel gave me a boost of confidence.

    One of the plankers at the field who knew me as a newbie from a year ago when I joined the club commented after watching my flight that my skill level had improved dramatically. Last time he saw me fly I was tail in hovering :)

    Today it was circles, 8s and stall turns and a flip or two thrown in for good measure. The E5 was very graceful. Maybe it's this size difference, but it seems to move in a slower motion than the TREX.

    Overall I am ecstatic with the purchase and flight characteristics. :)



Discussion in 'Synergy' started by Stuart, Aug 12, 2014.

    1. simon

      simon Well-Known Member

      Mar 19, 2014
      Likes Received:
      I still haven't a tail servo!! I can pull one out of the Kasama
    2. Jeff_Bradley

      Jeff_Bradley Well-Known Member

      Mar 14, 2014
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      Do that and then it's done

      Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
    3. simon

      simon Well-Known Member

      Mar 19, 2014
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      I'll bring down a servo with me, CU Tuesday (and anyone else who wants to turn up and see the Almighty Alees)
    4. feral

      feral Well-Known Member

      Mar 14, 2014
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      All good bro I maidened it today it flys good feels a bit heavy though.

      I got it off a mate of a mate for a steal so im not that fussed nothing a dremel cant fix but for the price of the kits in Australia you shouldn't need to be modding it

      She's a nice machine flys as good as my N5c
    5. Freeko

      Freeko Member

      Jul 27, 2014
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      @feral I agree with you my friend, it definitely shouldn't need any modding. Congrats on the maiden!! Nice thing about the e5: if it feels heavy, you can always fly longer blades! Lol That's one versatile little heli. I've seen guys take it so far as an ultra light 700, but that certainly defeats the purpose of having a simple 6s 550. I think it may be a little heavy as a 550 because it was designed to be configurable for longer blades, and for a 550 it's built like a tank. (Not a bad thing, IMHO) Battery choice can play a big part as well, as it is the heaviest component. If you're flying a 5000, you might try 4000-4500. Most importantly - have fun! :D Cheers:D

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